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Tony Wilkinson being awarded the Silver Star at Hasting Rob Hughes presentation by L&SCBS Peter Merritt

AGM 2024 - 24th March 2024

Members at the 2024 AGM

Prior to the commencement of the AGM, Mike & Steve Holland gave an in depth and informative talk about managing red-mite infestations in the birdroom. This included tips on prevention and about the effectiveness of the many products that are on the market today

President Terry Tuxford making presentation to the speakers Mike & Steve Holland

At the AGM that followed, Officers elected for 2024 were as follows:  Peter Merritt - President; Karen & Brian Scott, President Elect; Terry Tuxford, Secretary; Wayne Greening, Subscription Secretary & Treasurer; Brian & Karen Scott, Patronage Secretaries and Ghalib Al-Nasser & Rupert Redden joint Newsletter editors & publicity. The general committee to consist of all the above plus Janice Al-Nasser, Tony Jeffrey, Jim Lawrie, David Rafis, Rupert Redden, Ian Thorogood and Tony Wilkinson.

Terry Tuxford (outgoing President) with Peter Merritt (new President)

The outgoing president Terry Tuxford awarded the Blue Riband trophy to Simon Horner and the Chelfers Awards to Jim Lawrie and Peter Merritt (champion), Ray Nicholls and James Wheeler (intermediate), Simon Horner (novice) and Eliza Thorp (junior).

President Terry Tuxford presenting the Champion Chelfers Award to the joint winners Peter Merritt & Jim Lawrie

President Terry Tuxford presenting the Intermediate Chelfers Award to Jim Wheeler

Eliza Thorp - Junior Chelfers Award winner

Terry Tuxford awarded The President’s Trophy to to Malcolm Parsons. He said, It gives me pleasure to present the President's Trophy to a member who can be found working in the background of our main shows and other shows in the area. His work as show secretary, taking entries and administering at shows over the years has been invaluable and inspirational. Thank you so much for all the time and work you do for our society and others.”

The chairman announced that the society has awarded its Silver Star to Mike Smith and Tony Wilkinson for their work for the society over many years in different fields.


President Terry Tuxford making a presentation to Paul Tiller, retiring Subscription Secretary & Treasurer

Paul Tiller has retired from birds and also his roles with the Society. In recognition of his contribution over many years he was presented with a Garden Gift Voucher.

Ghalib Al-Nasser, shows organiser, informed the meeting that we are trying something new this year by switching the two shows around. The area show will now be staged on the July date while the specialist & rare / young stock show will be in October. This way we will avoid the usual threat of the bird flu during October and the threat of having to cancel the show. We hope, with your support, that both events will be successful on their new dates.

Judges booked for the Area Show on  21st July 2024 are Bev Hutt, Graham Barton, Michael Chapman and Terry Tuxford. I appeal to members who would like to advertise in the schedule or to sponsor section rosettes or prize money to do so soon so that I can formulate the schedule to send out by June.

This year’s Specialist & Rare Variety show will be held on Sunday 13th October 2024 and the judges booked are a team from Northamptonshire - Sue Clarke, Tim Gee and Brian Taylor.

Committee Meeting

At the committee meeting that followed the AGM, Ghalib Al-Nasser was re-elected chairman and shows organiser with Jim Lawrie vice chairman and Rupert Redden and Ghalib Al-Nasser as joint publicity officers. The shows committee was elected as Ghalib and Janice Al-Nasser, Tony Jeffrey, Brian & Karen Scott, Wayne Greening and Tony Wilkinson. The Silver Star committee to consist of Ghalib Al-Nasser, Janice Al-Nasser, David Rafis, Brian Scott and Terry Tuxford.

Subscriptions can be sent to the subscription secretary Paul Tiller (7 Old Farmhouse Drive, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 0EY). The rates for 2024 are single £15, partnerships at the same address £20, other partnerships £15 each, OAP & disabled £10 and junior £8.

For more information about the Society please contact the secretary Terry Tuxford on Tel: 07836 723082, Email: terry@bestofbreeds.co.uk or visit the Society’s website on www.landscbs.org.uk

Report by Rupert Redden, Publicity Officer

Report by Rupert Redden, Publicity Officer

The Society held its AGM on its new date of 26th March 2023, which was a month later than normal, at its usual venue in Smallfield, Surrey. The Society’s Chairman, Ghalib Al-Nasser, opened the meeting and welcomed the 19 members who attended. A minute’s silence was observed for those members who had recently passed away including Norman Long and Kevin Pestell.

Members at the AGM2

Speaker for the day was initially to be Chris Snell, president of the Budgerigar Society, but due to testing positive for Covid was unable to attend the meeting. At a short notice the society’s outgoing president Ian Standley stepped in.

Ian Standley at London & Southern Counties AGM

Ian Standley, who retired 4 years ago, comes from Bexhill-on-Sea in East Sussex where he was born and has lived all of his 70 years. He and his wife Marion have travelled to much of Europe, including visiting many World Bird Shows and Budgerigar Shows in Germany and Spain.

Started Keeping Birds and Changes

Ian picked up his story, “When I was five years old my brother Brian, who was 10 years older than me, won two budgies at a jumble sale raffle. My dad encouraged him in his interest in them and bought some more. I am told I was a jealous little brother, and I wanted some too - which I got. I joined the Junior Bird League when I was allowed to at six years old, the London & Southern Counties Budgerigar Society and local cage bird societies.”

“We continued to increase the number of budgerigars to around 250 and moved into keeping other varieties; foreign finches, parrotlike and softbills, British birds and even canaries for a short time. When I got older, I kept, bred and showed orange dwarf rabbits.”

“Our garden was taken over by aviaries and we regularly travelled around many of the southeast of England bird shows and did very well. Although I may have won Best Junior Budgerigar at that time, my brother always beat me. We kept two separate studs and he often won Best Champion and Best Budgerigar in Show. I also did very well with my foreign birds.”

As Ian’s brother became involved with a different sort of bird and eventually left home, Ian continued with the birds with his father Bert, who had always helped and been involved with his sons’ hobbies. After getting married Ian continued to keep the birds at his dad’s, gradually reducing to budgerigars only. This was until their dad sadly died in 1979 and the budgerigars were moved to Ian’s home. At the time Ian remained involved and showing with the local clubs only. This changed at the beginning of the 1980’s when their two daughters Sheryl and Sabrina started school.

Ian recalled, “From the 1960’s to the 1980’s the size and style of budgerigars changed dramatically, and it has continued since that time. I would say that every 10 to 15 years there is a change in the development of the show budgerigar. This comes from the skills of the stockmen in our hobby, such as Jo Mannes from Germany. This has brought us to the modern budgerigar of today. And, of course, it’s still evolving.”

Always active within Bexhill Cage Bird Society, Ian has, over the years, undertaken every position in the society and eventually became its President. This was until its sad demise - as many Cage Bird Societies did in the 1980’s and 1990’s, partly caused by the development of the separate specialist Budgerigar and Canary clubs.

Fast Forward To 2023

“Today, I only keep budgerigars and enjoy breeding and showing but I especially like judging. We also have a classic car – a 1989 Ford Escort Mk4 Special Edition - and belong to our local car club, and we get pleasure from showing it. I love gardening, supporting local charities and enjoy Freemasonry. I also like to walk in the countryside.”

“Marion has always supported me in my hobby. She often comes to shows and sometimes even when I am judging. She also helps at the open show of our local club, Hastings Budgerigar Society, where I am secretary and show manager and a past chairman.”

Ian joined the Budgerigar Society in 1985 and has attended most of the BS World Shows and Seminars, which he would recommend all fanciers to attend. He joined our Area Society, the London and Southern Counties Budgerigar Society, in 1959 - 64 years ago. He is a regular attendee at all events and is currently our outgoing President. In addition to Hastings BS Ian is also a member of South Eastern BC and Sussex BS.

Ian had just celebrated his 70th birthday and had brought along a t-shirt bought for him.

Ian also touched on topics such as the new DEFRA Consultation Document, Cysts in budgerigars, feather problems around the eye, inconsistency in judging, change in the hobby structure over the years, value of the challenge certificates and the vitamins that he uses for his birds.


Terry Tuxford (new president) with Ian Standley (outgoing president)

At the AGM that followed, Officers elected for 2023 were as follows:  Terry Tuxford, president & secretary; Peter Merritt, president elect; Paul Tiller, subscription secretary & treasurer; Brian & Karen Scott, patronage secretaries and Ghalib Al-Nasser & Rupert Redden joint Newsletter editors & publicity. The general committee to consist of all the above plus Janice Al-Nasser, Wayne Greening, David Harmer, Tony Jeffrey, Jim Lawrie, Peter Merritt, David Rafis, Rupert Redden, Richard Tessier, Ian Thorogood and Tony Wilkinson.

The outgoing president Ian Standley presented the Blue Riband trophy to Simon Horner and the Chelfers Awards to Rick Watts (champion), Tony Wilkinson (intermediate) and Simon Horner (novice). Unfortunately, there were no junior exhibitors during the 2022 show season to win the junior Chelfers Award.

Ian Standley (outgoing president) with the Chelfers Award winners Simon Horner, Rick Watts & Tony Wilkinson

Ian Standley awarded The President’s Trophy to Tony Wilkinson for all his work at shows for the Society and local clubs.

Ian Standley presenting the President's Trophy to Tony Wilkinson

The chairman announced that the society has awarded its Silver Star to Rupert Redden and Terry Tuxford for their work for the society over many years in different fields.

Ian Standley with the Silver Star winners - Rupert Redden & Terry Tuxford

Ghalib Al-Nasser, shows organiser, informed the meeting that judges booked for the Society’s combined Specialist & Rare Variety Show and Young Stock Show on 23rd July are Richard Hooper and Steve Rich. For the Area Show on 15th October judges booked are Adrian Terheege, Terry Tuxford, Mick Widdowson and Bjorn Johansson from Sweden. The new event “Open /Judges Day” in cooperation with the South Midlands BS will be held on 19th November, the format to be decided at a later date. The Chairman also informed members that the Society’s website www.landscbs.org.uk has been kept up to date with society events and more new files were being added to it.

The meeting was ended with the Chairman thanking everyone for attending and to Ian Standley for his presentation.

At the committee meeting that followed the AGM, Ghalib Al-Nasser was re-elected chairman and shows organiser with Jim Lawrie vice chairman and Rupert Redden and Ghalib Al-Nasser as joint publicity officers. The shows committee was re-elected again as Ghalib and Janice Al-Nasser, Tony Jeffrey, Malcolm Parsons, Brian & Karen Scott, Paul Tiller and Tony Wilkinson. The Silver Star committee to consist of Ghalib Al-Nasser, David Harmer, David Rafis, Richard Tessier and Paul Tiller.

Subscriptions can be sent to the subscription secretary Paul Tiller (7 Old Farmhouse Drive, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 0EY). The rates for 2023 are single £15, partnerships at the same address £20, other partnerships £15 each, OAP & disabled £10 and junior £8.

For more information about the Society please contact the secretary Terry Tuxford on Tel: 01256 328898, Email: terry@bestofbreeds.co.uk or visit the Society’s website on www.landscbs.org.uk

The London & Southern Counties BS Open Day and Show 2022

The London & Southern Counties BS Open Day and Show on the 13th November 2022, where all bird were available for sale was thoroughly enjoyed by those who attended.

The event was organised by President Ian Standley and Vice-President Terry Tuxford. Chairman Ghalib Al-Nasser said, What an enjoyable day we had backed up by the positive comments received from all those who attended.”

“Particular congratulations to Terry and Ian for organising and running the day ably assisted by Brian and Karen Scott and Marion Standley for running the show. To Tony Wilkinson and Rupert Redden for organising the staging and biosecurity. Special thanks to Wayne Greening and Paul Chandler for running the canteen throughout the day.”

TerryTuxford, TrevorTerheege, GavinCarter and IanStandley

“Thank you also to the excellent speakers Terry, Ian & Trevor Terheege and also Gavin Carter our judge. Finally, thank you to David Rafis for dealing with the raffle and those who provided the raffle prizes.”

“Altogether, a great day and well done all!”

Karen Scott & Marion Standley

Tony Wilkinson checking out the Sales birds

The Budgerigar Society Spring Event 2022

Congratulations to our members who exhibited at the Budgerigar Society Spring Event held in May 2022

Peter Merritt  - Best Opposite Sex 2020

Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser - Best Champion 2020

Ray Nicholls - Best Intermediate 2021


Report by Rupert Redden, Publicity Officer

The Society held its AGM on 27th February 2022 at its usual venue in Smallfield, Surrey. The Society’s Chairman, Ghalib Al-Nasser, opened the meeting and welcomed the 19 members who attended, reflecting back on how the hobby has been affected over the past two years due to Covid and the loss of the lives of 5.9 million people around the world of which 161,000 were from the UK. A minute’s silence was observed for those members who had recently passed away including Brian Poole, Alan Joyce and our past president Ruby Faulkner.

Speaker for the day was Ron Pearce, past president of the society, holder of the society’s Silver Star and past show manager for many years. Ron gave an insight into his life in the hobby when he came back from working in Australia in 1972 and starting with birds in 1973. He commented on how he started at Cage Bird societies; the old and now defunct Harrow CBS and Hendon CBS and learnt the trade of the hobby from meeting so many fanciers; just to end up back again at a Cage Bird society as chairman of High Wycombe CBS. Ron mentioned that he bought his first birds from a successful intermediate of the day named Tony Chand. He initially joined the London & Southern Counties BS in 1975 and then the Budgerigar Society in 1977. Ron reflected on his long time in the hobby and the various positions that he held within the London & Southern Counties before joining the BS Club Show Committee as their seminar organiser, a post that he still holds. Part of the hobby that he enjoys most is judging. He has judged in most corners of the world from Australia, Brazil, Canada, South Africa, USA, New Zealand, Pakistan, Bahrain, Israel to many countries in Europe. He reflected on the many friends that he has made around the world during those visits that he always cherished. He also reflected on his friendship and past partnership with Fred Wright and currently with his Swiss partner Marcel Buhler. He enjoys going to the COM World Show in different countries in Europe every January with his friend Ghalib Al-Nasser; trips that they have done since the 1990s.


Members at the AGM

At the AGM that followed, Officers elected for 2022 were as follows:  Ian Standley, president; Terry Tuxford, president elect and secretary; Paul Tiller, subscription secretary and treasurer; Brian and Karen Scott, patronage secretaries and Ghalib Al-Nasser and Rupert Redden joint Newsletter editors and publicity. The general committee to consist of all the above plus Janice Al-Nasser, David Harmer, Tony Jeffrey, Jim Lawrie, Peter Merritt, David Rafis, Rupert Redden, Richard Tessier, Ian Thorogood and Tony Wilkinson.

Ian Standley (new president) with David Rafis (retiring president)

As there were not enough shows staged during 2021 the Blue Riband and Chelfers Awards were not awarded. The society did stage the three usual events but, due to Covid, with reduced entry; Specialist And Rare Variety/Young Stock Show in July, Area Show in October and the new 2020 Young Bird Show in November.

David Rafis awarded The President’s Trophy to the Society’s secretary Terry Tuxford for his work for the Society and local clubs and for stepping up when Ghalib was unwell.

David Rafis awarding The President’s Trophy to the Society’s secretary Terry Tuxford

Ghalib Al-Nasser, shows organiser, informed the meeting that judges booked for the Society’s combined Specialist & Rare Variety Show and Young Stock Show on 24th July are Simon Gage and Terry Tuxford. For the Area Show on 16th October judges booked are Brian Reese, Mark Gulley, Maurice Roberts and Ian Standley. The new event “Open Day” will be held on 13th November - the format to be confirmed. The Chairman also informed members that the Society’s website www.landscbs.org.uk has been kept up to date with society events and more new files were being added to it.

Three proposals were passed by members unanimously. The first being the agreed increase in subscription at the 2020 AGM which was frozen due to Covid and now to be implemented as from 1st January 2023. The last time there was an increase in subscription fee was back in 2012. The other two proposals were changes to the Society Constitution in staging the AGM in March instead of February and the financial year to end on 31st December rather than 30th November. Membership stood at 125 at the end of the year. The date of the next AGM agreed on 26th March 2023.

The meeting was brought to a close with the Chairman thanking everyone for attending and to Ron Pearce for his presentation.

Guest Speaker Ron Pearce with President David Rafis

At the committee meeting that followed the AGM, Ghalib Al-Nasser was re-elected chairman and shows organiser with Jim Lawrie vice chairman and Rupert Redden and Ghalib Al-Nasser as joint publicity officers. The shows committee was re-elected again as Ghalib and Janice Al-Nasser, Tony Jeffrey, Malcolm Parsons, Brian & Karen Scott, Paul Tiller and Tony Wilkinson. The Silver Star committee to consist of Ghalib Al-Nasser, David Harmer, David Rafis, Richard Tessier and Paul Tiller.

It was agreed with immediate effect that the society offer a similar deal as the Budgerigar Society to all new members by offering the second year free if they join and pay subscription for the first year. Subscriptions can be sent to the subscription secretary Paul Tiller (4 Painshill House, Painshill Park, Cobham, Surrey KT11 1DL). The rates for 2022 are single £13, partnerships at the same address £15, other partnerships £13 each, OAP & disabled £8 and junior £6.

For more information about the Society please contact the secretary Terry Tuxford on Tel: 07836 723082, Email: terry@bestofbreeds.co.uk or visit the Society’s website on www.landscbs.org.uk


The Society’s AGM will be held on 27th February at the HQ venue in Smallfield. Prior to the AGM Ronnie Pearce will be the guest speaker. The meeting will start at 2.00 pm and the AGM to follow is open to paid up members only. Ian Standley will be inaugurated as the Society’s new president at the AGM.

The 2022 subscriptions were due on 1st January and need to be sent to the subscription secretary Paul Tiller (4 Painshill House, Painshill Park, Cobham, Surrey KT11 1DL). The rates are single £13, partnership at same address £15, other partnership £13 each, OAP & disabled £8 & junior £6.

Show promoting societies are reminded that the closing date for applying for LSCBS patronage is 28th February and applications should be sent to the patronage secretaries Brian & Karen Scott (“Llandilo”, Old Lane, Crowborough, E. Sussex TN6 2AF. Tel: 01892 662240, Email: kscott65@sky.com).

The Society offers three different types of patronage; Blue Riband which is restricted to championship shows within the boundaries of the area society and is free, Affiliation Patronage which is offered to all other shows within the area society’s boundaries at a cost of £6 and Rosette Patronage offered to all other shows outside the area society boundaries at a cost of £9. Application forms for the three types of patronage can be found on the Society’s website or requested from the patronage secretaries.

The Society will be staging its Specialist & Rare Variety Show incorporating the Young Stock Show on 24th July and judges booked are Simon Gage and Terry Tuxford. The Society’s Area Championship Show will be staged on 16th October and judges booked are the Society’s President Ian Standley with the Cornish team consisting of Mark Gulley, Brian Reese and Maurice Roberts. Both shows will be held at the Smallfield HQ.

For more information about the Society please contact the Society’s general secretary Terry Tuxford (Tel: 07836 723082, Email: bestofbreeds@gmail.com or visit the Society’s website on www.landscbs.org.uk

Rupert Redden, Publicity Officer


Despite Covid restrictions and fanciers reluctance to mix in large enclosed areas the Society still held their area championship show in October which was much appreciated by the membership. The society is always grateful to all who sponsored the show with the section rosettes or prize money namely Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser, Mick Freeborn, Hastings BS, Paul Harden, Ray & Ruth Marston, Ron Pearce, Paul Tiller, Ian Standley, David & Linda Rafis, Rupert Redden, Brian & Karen Scott, Andy Thorpe, Terry & Yvonne Tuxford, Malcolm Parsons and Gold Chips Bedding.

The Judges - Mike & Steve Holland, Phil Reaney & Brian Scott

As expected the show received slightly lower entry than previous years of 443 birds from 36 exhibitors with 312 birds benched. The judges, Steve & Mike Holland, Phil Reaney and Brian Scott, awarded Rick Watts’ grey cock as the best any age and best in show. They also awarded the Terheege Partnership’s recessive pied cobalt hen as the best young bird in show and overall best opposite sex in show. The judges awarded Peter Merritt’s grey hen as the best any age opposite sex while Rick Watts grey cock was awarded the best young bird opposite sex award.

There were quality birds in all sections and heading the champion any age was the grey cock of Rick Watts while the Terheege Partnership’s recessive pied cobalt hen won best champion young bird section. Nick Masham won the intermediate any age section with a grey cock while Paul Harden won the young bird section with a cinnamon grey cock. Ray Welfare won the novice any age section with a lutino cock while Derek Ham headed the novice young bird section with a grey cock. Unfortunately, there were no junior exhibitors on this occasion.

Rick Watts - Best in Show

Three weeks later the Society held its B.S. sponsored 2020 young bird show but sadly the show was poorly supported with only 9 exhibitors entering 94 birds of which 65 birds were benched for Bev Hutt to judge. The society president David Rafis awarded a beautiful glass trophy for the best rare variety in show which was won by the Al-Nasser partnership.

Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser (BIS Winners) with President David Rafis & Judge Bev Hutt

Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser won the award for best in show and best champion with a quality goldenface grey cock and they also won the best opposite sex award with an opaline cinnamon skyblue hen. Tony Wilkinson won the intermediate section with a yellowface skyblue hen while Rupert Redden won the novice section with a dominant pied yellowface grey cock.

The Society’s AGM will be held on 13th February at the HQ venue in Smallfield, Surrey.

Show promoting societies are reminded that the closing date for applying for LSCBS patronage is 28th February and applications should be sent to the patronage secretaries Brian & Karen Scott ("Llandilo", Old Lane, Crowborough, E. Sussex TN24 2AF). The 2022 subscriptions are due on 1st January and need to be sent to Paul Tiller (4 Painshill House, Painshill Park, Cobham, Surrey KT11 1DL). The rates are single £13, partnership at same address £15, other partnership £13 each, OAP & disabled £8 & junior £6.

For more information about the Society please contact the secretary Terry Tuxford at 01256 328898 or what number you want to use or bestofbreeds@gmail.com or visit the Society’s website on www.landscbs.org.uk

Rupert Redden, Publicity Officer

June 2020

President David Rafis presenting the Junior Chelfers Award to Reggie, Ellesse & Harry Fordham

LONDON & SOUTHERN COUNTIES BS - Specialist & Rares Show - 19th July 2020

Please note that the above event has been cancelled because of the Coronavirus.

LONDON & SOUTHERN COUNTIES BS - AGM - 16th February 2020
Report by Rupert Redden, Publicity Officer

The Society held its AGM on 16th February 2020 at its usual venue in Smallfield, Surrey. The Society’s Chairman, Ghalib Al-Nasser, opened the meeting and welcomed all those who attended. A minute’s silence was observed for those members who had recently passed away – Gerald Binks and Tony Cash.

Guest speaker was Ronnie Simpson, the Budgerigar Society 2019/20 President who was introduced as coming from Yorkshire and was accompanied by his wife Susan. Ronnie is also Patronage Administrator for the BS and has taken the roll to new levels. He has also been YBS President on three occasions.

Ronnie opened his session by saying he was disappointed by the many people – especially those on Social Media – who do not appreciate the amount of work the BS General Council freely undertakes on behalf of the hobby and in the interest of the members.

Ronnie then presented the BS PowerPoint presentation that detailed the work of the BS and what it did particularly for Area Societies in the UK. The talk stimulated much cordial discussion and was well received.


At the AGM that followed, Officers elected for 2019 were as follows:  David Rafis, president; Ian Standley, president elect; Terry Tuxford, secretary; Paul Tiller, subscription secretary; Paul Tiller, treasurer; James Folly, patronage secretary and Ghalib Al-Nasser & Rupert Redden joint Newsletter editors. The General Council to consist of all the above plus Janice Al-Nasser, Dan Hellawell, Tony Jeffrey, Jim Lawrie, Peter Merritt, Rupert Redden, Richard Tessier and Tony Wilkinson.

David Harmer, the president, was called upon to present the Blue Riband and Chelfers Awards to their winners. The Blue Riband cup was won by Rupert Redden while the Chelfers Awards were won by Champion – G & J Al Nasser, Intermediate – James Folly, Novice – Nicola Bird and Junior – Reggie Fordham.

There were two new Life Members who had achieved 40 years membership of the Society; Perry Hanson and Terry Tuxford.

Based on the General Council’s recommendation, the attendees approved an increase of £2 across the board in subscription fees for 2021.

David Harmer awarded The President’s Trophy to Janice Al-Nasser for all her work for the Society and local clubs. The Society also awarded the Silver Star to Malcolm Freemantle for his contribution to the hobby over many years.

The outgoing President David Harmer handed over the Chain of Office to new President David Rafis. David’s first job was to present the Past Presidents Ribbon to David Harmer.

In his acceptance speech David Rafis said, “It is my extreme pleasure to be elected President of your Society for 2020. I have been a member since 1995 with my partner and wife and have served on the Council since 2001 and I could write a book of my memories.”

President David Rafis also sponsored a superb engraved glass trophy to be won outright for Best Rare Variety Budgerigar in Show at the Specialist & Rares Show.

The Chairman informed the meeting that the General Council were recommending Ian Standley as President-Elect and Ian was duly elected.

Ghalib Al-Nasser, shows organiser, informed the meeting that judges booked for the Society’s combined Specialist & Rare Variety Show and Young Stock Show on Sunday 19th July are Gavin Carter and Ian Standley. Judges booked for the Area Show on 11th October 2020 are Phil Reaney, Brian Scott and Steve and Michael Holland. The Inter-Club Competition will be held on Sunday, 8th November 2020. A sales event is also being planned to be held in the morning, followed by lunch then judging the competition. The Chairman also informed members that the Society’s website www.landscbs.org.uk has been kept up to date with society events and more new files were being added to it.

The meeting was brought to a close with the Chairman thanking everyone for attending and to Ronnie Simpson for his presentation.

Council Meeting

At the Council meeting that followed the AGM, Ghalib Al-Nasser was re-elected chairman and shows organiser with Jim Lawrie vice chairman and Rupert Redden and Ghalib Al-Nasser as joint publicity officers. The shows committee was re-elected again as Ghalib and Janice Al-Nasser, James Folly, Tony Jeffrey, Malcolm Parsons, Paul Tiller, Brian Scott and Tony Wilkinson. The Silver Star committee to consist of Ghalib Al-Nasser, David Harmer, David Rafis, Richard Tessier and Paul Tiller.

Subscriptions can be sent to the subscription secretary Paul Tiller (4 Painshill House, Painshill Park, Cobham, Surrey KT11 1DL). The rates are single £13, partnership at same address £15, other partnership £13 each, OAP & disabled £8 and junior £6.

For more information about the Society please contact the secretary Terry Tuxford on 07836 723082 or bestofbreeds@gmail.com or visit the Society’s website on www.landscbs.org.uk

Photos by Terry Tuxford

BS President Ronnie Simpson

L&SCBS President David Rafis

L&SCBS President David Harmer with Blue Riband cup winner Rupert Redden

L&SCBS President David Harmer with Champion Chelfers Awards winners Ghalib & Janice Al Nasser

L&SCBS President David Harmer with Intermediate Chelfers Awards winners James Folly

David Harmer awarded The President’s Trophy to Janice Al-Nasser

Outgoing L&SCBS President David Harmer with new L&SCBS President David Rafis

BS President Ronnie Simpson with new L&SCBS President David Rafis

New L&SCBS President Elect Ian Standley

The David Rafis Trophy for Best Rare Variety Budgerigar in Show at the Specialist & Rares Show

Malcom Freemantle was awarded the L&SCBS Silver Star at the South Hants BS Meeting in March.
Photo (Yvonne Tuxford) - Peter Merritt, Jim Lawrie, Malcolm Freemantle, Andy Thorpe, Terry Tuxford

Dr Rob Marshall's Visit A Great Success
by Terry Tuxford

More than 30 fanciers attended on 30th April 2019 to meet and listen to renowned Australian vet Dr Rob Marshall. Rob is a experienced world-wide speaker and respected avian veterinary surgeon who has written two very successful books - Budgerigar Medicine and The Budgerigar. The focus of his presentation was "Stomach Dysfunction in Exhibition Budgerigars".

The presentation was recorded and DVDs are available from Roy Powell at £10.

Chairman Ghalib Al-Nasser with Dr Rob Marshall

Dr Rob Marshall with fellow Bird-Vet Alan Jones

Faye Percy with Dr Rob Marshall

Dr Rob Marshall being presented with a
limited edition print - Birds of Australia by Roy Aplin

Rob Taking Questions from the Floor

Rob & Ghalib with Rob's Book

Report by Ghalib Al-Nasser, Chairman

On a very rare visit to England, the Society is engaging the services of Dr. Rob Marshall while he is in London for a Veterinary conference to come and give a talk to our society on Tuesday, 30th April 2019 commencing at 7.45 pm at its usual venue - Centenary Hall, Wheelers Lane, Smallfield, Surrey RH6 9PT.

Dr. Marshall is a renown avian vet from Australia and the author of Budgerigar Medicine and The Budgerigar; two books that are very much sought after all over the world. Last time Dr. Marshall came to England on a similar conference he gave a talk to members of Northdowns BS in September 2013. All members are encouraged to come and listen as it is an opportunity not to be missed.

Rob Marshall at Northdown 2013

Our president David Harmer was able to attend the March meeting of Hastings BS and present Gavin Carter with his Silver Star, Blue Riband and Chelfers Champion Breeder salvers. Gavin was unable to attend the AGM in February due to health issues but was in good spirit to attend the March meeting of his society where he is the chairman.

David Harmer with Gavin Carter

For any information about the society and the evening please contact the chairman Ghalib Al-Nasser (01787 282332 or ghalib.alnasser@gmail.com).

Report by Rupert Redden, Publicity Officer, Photos by Terry Tuxford

The Society held its AGM on 17th February 2019 at its usual venue in Smallfield, Surrey. The Society’s Chairman, Ghalib Al-Nasser, opened the meeting and welcomed all those who attended. A minute’s silence was observed for those members who had recently passed away - Reg Crossman, Martin Terry, Brian Mepham and Vic Inman.

Some of the attendees at the L&SCBS Meeting

Speaker for the day was Peter Merritt who was introduced as winning the BIS at our area society show on two consecutive years with the same bird - initially as a young bird in 2017 then as an adult in 2018. Peter gave a PowerPoint presentation on how he started at the young age of 11 years in 1953, where he was showing as a junior at the famous Ally Pally (Alexandra Palace in London) - sending his birds on the train and receiving them back on the train. He reminisced on those ‘good old days’. He joined the Budgerigar Society in 2005 and his initial outcrosses were bought from Brian Sweeting. Peter showed slides of his set up, talked about his feeding regime and also showed some of the quality youngsters that he bred last year and the pairings that produced them. It was an informative and interesting presentation.

Guest Speaker Peter Merritt with President David Harmer


At the AGM that followed, Officers elected for 2019 were as follows:  David Harmer, president; David Rafis, president elect; Ghalib Al-Nasser, secretary; Paul Tiller, subscription secretary; Paul Tiller, treasurer; James Folly, patronage secretary and Ghalib Al-Nasser & Rupert Redden joint Newsletter editors. The general committee to consist of all the above and Janice Al-Nasser, Tony Jeffrey, Jim Lawrie, Peter Merritt, David Rafis, Rupert Redden, David Rice, Richard Tessier, Terry Tuxford and Tony Wilkinson.

President David Harmer & Chairman Ghalib Al-Nasser

David Harmer, the president, was called upon to present the Blue Riband and Chelfers Awards to their winners. The Blue Riband cup was won by Gavin Carter while the Chelfers Awards were won by Gavin Carter (champion), Tony Jeffrey (intermediate), Mark Bannister (novice), Nichola Bird (beginner) and George Kenealy (junior).

Tony Jeffrey receives the Chelfers Awards
(Intermediate) from President David Harmer

Silver Star winner Ian Thorogood with
President David Harmer

David Harmer awarded The President’s Trophy to the Society’s chairman Ghalib Al-Nasser for all his work for the Society and local clubs. The Society also awarded two of its members the Silver Star - Gavin Carter and Ian Thorogood, for their work over many years with their local clubs.

David Harmer awarded The President’s Trophy
 to the Society’s chairman Ghalib Al-Nasser

Gavin Carter receives the Blue Riband Award, Chelfers Award (Champion) and the Silver Star from President David Harmer.

Ghalib Al-Nasser, shows organiser, informed the meeting that judges booked for the Society’s combined Specialist & Rare Variety Show and Young Stock Show on 21st July are Sue Clarke and Michael Chapman. For the Area Show on 13th October 2019 judges booked are Ken Brockwell, Allan Michael, Chris Snell and Geoff Tuplin. The Inter-Club Competition will be held on 10th November 2019 with a presentation in the morning by Roy Aplin, followed by lunch then judging the competition. The Chairman also informed members that the Society’s website www.landscbs.org.uk has been kept up to date with society events and more new files were being added to it.

Janice Al Nasser taking the Minutes

The meeting was brought to a close with the Chairman thanking everyone for attending and to Peter Merritt for his presentation.

At the end of the meeting, the Chairman thanking everyone
for attending and Peter Merritt for his presentation

At the committee meeting that followed the AGM Ghalib Al-Nasser was re-elected chairman and shows organiser with Jim Lawrie vice chairman and Rupert Redden and Ghalib Al-Nasser as joint publicity officers. The shows committee was re-elected again as Ghalib and Janice Al-Nasser, James Folly, Tony Jeffrey, Malcolm Parsons, Paul Tiller, Brian Scott and Tony Wilkinson. The Silver Star committee to consist of Ghalib Al-Nasser, David Harmer, David Rafis, Richard Tessier and Paul Tiller.

Subscriptions can be sent to the subscription secretary Paul Tiller (4 Painshill House, Painshill Park, Cobham, Surrey KT11 1DL). The rates are single £13, partnership at same address £15, other partnership £13 each, OAP & disabled £8 and junior £6.

For more information about the Society please contact the secretary Ghalib Al-Nasser on 01787 282332 or ghalib.alnasser@gmail.com or visit the Society’s website on www.landscbs.org.uk

London & Southern Counties B.S. - December 2018 - report by Rupert Redden

Area Show – 2018

Having achieved the double at the 2017 Area Championship Show Peter Merritt did another record at this year’s area show by winning the Best In Show award with the same bird as last year but now as an adult. Sadly, the show suffered a reduction in entries to 492 from 42 exhibitors with 363 being benched. Our thanks is extended to Roy Aplin for donating a pencil sketch to raise funds as well as to the exhibitors who sponsored the cost of the rosettes (Ghalib and Janice Al-Nasser, Hastings BS, Connor Hickman, Ray & Ruth Marston, Mid Essex BS, Ron Pearce, Brian & Karen Scott, Richard Tessier, Paul Tiller, Andy Thorpe and Terry and Yvonne Tuxford) and to David & Linda Rafis who sponsored the show with the steward’s seed raffle, Aviary Hygiene, SkyGold and Gold Chips Bedding.

The Judges Bob Francis, Gary Hale, Tony Pope & Dave Game

The judges; Bob Francis, Dave Game, Gary Hale & Tony Pope all from South Wales chose the cinnamon grey cock, last year’s winner, of committee member Peter Merritt as the Best Any Age In Show and Best In Show. They also awarded Peter’s yellowface skyblue hen as the Best Any Age Opposite Sex and overall Best Opposite Sex In Show. Gavin Carter won the Best Young Bird In Show with a light green cock while Connor Hickman’s yellowface grey hen won the Young Bird Opposite Sex Award.

Peter Merritt - BIS & Best Opposite Sex in Show

There weres quality birds in all sections and heading the champion any age was Steve Bailey’s grey green cock while Gavin Carter’s light green cock won the best champion young bird section. Peter Merritt won the intermediate any age section with his best in show cinnamon grey cock while Tony Jeffrey won the young bird award with a skyblue hen. Graham Paine won the novice any age section with a spangle light green cock while Mark Bannister won the young bird section with a lacewing opaline yellow hen. It was “Girl Power” in the beginner section with Nichola Bird winning the any age section with a yellowface grey cock while Wendy Thorogood headed the young bird section with a cinnamon grey cock. Zoe Johnson was the only junior exhibitor and won both sections with a violet cock and an opaline light green hen.

Gavin Carter - Best Young Bird in Show

Connor Hickman - Best Young Bird Opposite Sex

Inter-Club Competition

Four weeks later the Society held its Inter-Club Competition and was well supported where 4 societies participated by sending a team of 12 birds to compete in the 12 classes provided. The guest speaker/judge was Trevor Terheege who is well known as part of the successful Terheege Partnership. Trevor gave an informative power point presentation about his history in the hobby when he was a junior till his comeback in the hobby and forming a partnership with his son Adrian. He looked at the progression of the budgerigar and the faults that we find with the modern-day bird.

David Harmer (President) making the presentation to Trevor Terheege (Speaker)

After lunch Trevor judged the show and for the third year running South Hants BS won the competition with 39 points followed by Mid Essex BS entering a team for the first time and winning 35 points. South Eastern BC was third with 25 points followed by Sussex BS with 17 points. The winning team also won the £50 prize money.


The Society’s AGM will be held on 17th February 2019 at the HQ venue in Smallfield. Prior to the AGM Roy Aplin, past president of both the BS & LSCBS, will be the guest speaker.

Show promoting societies are reminded that the closing date for applying for LSCBS patronage is 28th February and applications should be sent to James Folly (52 Queens Road, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 8LA). The 2019 subscriptions are due on 1st January and need to be sent to Paul Tiller (4 Painshill House, Painshill Park, Cobham, Surrey KT11 1DL). The rates are single £13, partnership at same address £15, other partnership £13 each, OAP & disabled £8 & junior £6.

For more information about the Society please contact the chairman Ghalib Al-Nasser Tel. 01787 282332, ghalib.alnasser@gmail.com or visit the Society’s website on www.landscbs.org.uk

LONDON & SOUTHERN COUNTIES B.S. - August 2018 - Report by Rupert Redden, Publicity Officer


The Society staged its successful combined Specialist & Rare Variety Show with the Young Stock Show with a total entry for the combined event of 269 from 26 exhibitors with a total of 228 benched for Graham Barton and Roger Carr to judge. All colour group winners received a bespoke coloured coaster and the judges received a ceramic beaker.

The Judges Graham Barton and Roger Carr


Any Age

Young Bird

Best Lutino

*G & J Al-Nasser

D & L Rafis

Best Albino

*G & J Al-Nasser

J Wheeler

Best Yellow-wing

* Mrs A Shoosmith


Best Whitewing

* I Thorogood


Best Crest or Tuft

*M Baker

P Baker

Best SF Spangle Green

* G Paine

J Wheeler

Best SF Spangle Blue

*A Thorpe

G & J Al-Nasser

Best DF Spangle

*A Thorpe

W Thorogood

Best Dominant Pied

*G Paine

R Marston

Best Recessive Pied

*W & H Bien

D Moss

Best Yellowface

*G & J Al-Nasser

T Jeffrey

Best Rare Variety

C D & S Sharpe

* Mrs A Shoosmith

Best Clearbody

*G Paine

G Paine

Best Olive/Mauve/Violet

*D & L Rafis


Best Lacewing

*J Sopp

I Thorogood

Best Any Other Colour

* A Shoosmith


Best Pair

G & J Al-Nasser

Best Team  G & J Al-Nasser

Best Colour Budgerigar

Mrs F Percy


* Indicates Best of Variety Overall 

Ghalib and Janice Al-Nasser won 3 CCs plus the Pair and Team awards

In the Young Stock Show Martin Frost won Best Young Bird and Best Champion Young Bird with a dominant pied skyblue hen.  Paul Harden won the award for Best Young Bird Opposite Sex with a skyblue cock. The award for Best Any Age in show went to John Sopp with a cobalt cock. Best Barhead went to Wendy Thorogood with a cinnamon grey hen.

Will and Helena Bien – CC for Recessive Pied Any Age

Heading the Champion Young Bird was Martin Frost’s pied hen followed by Brian and Karen Scott with a grey green cock. David Harmer won the Best Champion Any Age with a skyblue cock.

In the Intermediate Young Bird section, Paul Harden headed the section with his skyblue cock followed by Tony Jeffrey’s spangle cinnamon skyblue cock in second place. Best Intermediate Any Age was won by John Sopp with his cobalt cock.

Graham Paine wins 3 CCs

In the novice section, James Wheeler won the first two positions with a skyblue cock followed by an albino hen. There were no adult birds shown in this section.

Wendy Thorogood headed both beginner sections. The Best Young Bird was a goldenface grey cock while her dominant pied cinnamon dark green cock was second best. Wendy also won the adult award.

Wendy Thorogood headed both beginner sections

Area Championship Show

The society is looking forward to its Area Championship Show on 14th October 2018 Judges booked are Bob Francis, Dave Game, Gary Hale, Tony Pope and from Germany Christian Bach. Schedules will be posted to all paid up members and past two year exhibitors or can be obtained from the Shows Organiser, Ghalib Al-Nasser (01787 282332 or email ghalib.alnasser@gmail.com).

The Seminar and Inter-Club Competition will be held on 11th November 2018 and we shall welcome Trevor Terheege who will give a presentation in the morning followed by judging the inter-club competition after lunch. All members and guests are welcome to this event but book lunch in advance with Ghalib Al-Nasser. All affiliated societies in the area are welcomed to send a team of 12 birds in different colour groups.

Due to health reasons Tony Cash has sold all his birds and had stepped down from the committee and his positions as general secretary and president elect. Ghalib has taken over the role of secretary combined with his chairmanship duties till further notice. The new society’s website www.landscbs.org.uk has been kept up to date with current information.

LONDON & SOUTHERN COUNTIES B.S. NEWS – April 2018 - by Rupert Redden, Publicity Officer

The Society held its AGM on 18th February at its usual venue in Smallfield, Surrey. The Society’s Chairman, Ghalib Al-Nasser, opened the meeting and welcomed all those who attended. A minute’s silence was observed for those members who had recently passed away, namely Barry Wiseman, Vic Springett, Frank Sains and Denis Ball.

Speakers for the day were Sandra & James Gillan with James giving a power point presentation on how they got involved in the hobby from 2009 with his dad doing the aviary rebuilds and mum helping with the birds; to a top class Intermediate partnership winning many awards on the show bench that included many best in shows. Their ultimate win was when they were crowned World Champion in 2015 at the B.S. Club Show when they were only novices. They showed pictures of various birds brought in from top breeders in this country such as Alex & David Woan, Gren & Pat Norris, the Luke partnership and the Bowkers. They showed photos of their pairings with results which showed the progressive improvement to becoming World Champions!

Tony Jeffrey, the outgoing president with Sandra & James Gillan

It was a very informative presentation, also answering questioned from their feeding habits to their stock control, also on their acquisitions/outcrosses and blood lines they stressed that they were careful to bring in the correct features required to improve the stud. Members present showed their appreciation for an interesting power point presentation that had lots of useful commentary and was enjoyed by all.

At the AGM that followed the presentation Officers elected for 2018 were as follows:  David Harmer, president; Tony Cash, president elect & secretary; Malcolm Parsons, subscription secretary; Paul Tiller, treasurer; James Folly, patronage secretary and Ghalib Al-Nasser & Rupert Redden joint Newsletter editors. The general committee to consist of all above and Tony Jeffrey, Jim Lawrie, Peter Merritt, David Rafis, David Rice, Richard Tessier & Tony Wilkinson.

David Harmer receiving the Presidential Chain of Office from the outgoing President Tony Jeffrey

Tony Jeffrey, the outgoing president, was called upon to present the Blue Riband and Chelfers Awards to their winners. The Blue Riband cup was won by the Ellis & Mathews partnership while the Chelfers Awards were won by Ellis & Mathews (champion), P & S Stevens (intermediate), Mark Bannister (novice), Graham Paine (beginner) & Millie Roberts (junior).

Tony Jeffrey presenting Graham Paine with his beginner Chelfers Award

Ghalib Al-Nasser presenting Peter & Sandra Stevens with their intermediate Chelfers Award

Tony Jeffrey awarded The President’s Trophy to the Society’s patronage secretary James Folly for all his work for the Society and his local club.

Tony Jeffrey awarding the President’s Trophy to James Folly, the Society’s patronage secretary

The Society also awarded two of its members the Silver Star namely Martin Frost and Malcolm Parsons for their work over many years to many local clubs.

Tony Jeffrey with the Silver Star holders Malcolm Parsons & Martin Frost

Ghalib Al-Nasser, shows organiser, informed the meeting that judges booked for the Society’s combined Specialist & Rare Variety Show & Young Stock Show on 14th July are Graham Barton & Roger Carr. For the Area Show on 14th October judges booked are Bob Francis, Dave Game, Gary Hale, Tony Pope and Christian Bach (Germany). The Inter-Club Competition will be held on 11th November with a presentation in the morning by Trevor Terheege followed by lunch then judging the inter-club competition. The Chairman also informed members that the Society’s website www.landscbs.org.uk was updated with a fresh look.

The meeting was brought to a close with the Chairman thanking everyone for attending and to James & Sandra Gillan for their presentation.

At the committee meeting that followed the AGM Ghalib Al-Nasser was re-elected chairman and shows organiser with Paul Tiller vice chairman and Rupert Redden & Ghalib Al-Nasser as joint publicity officers. The shows committee was re-elected again as Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser, James Folly, Tony Jeffrey, Malcolm Parsons, Paul Tiller & Brian Scott. The Silver Star committee to consist of Ghalib Al-Nasser, Tony Cash, David Rafis, Richard Tessier & Paul Tiller.

Subscriptions can be sent to the subscription secretary Malcolm Parsons (46 Melrose Avenue, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 1NX). The rates are single £13, partnership at same address £15, other partnership £13 each, OAP & disabled £8 and junior £6.

For more information about the Society please contact the secretary Tony Cash on 01329 231554 or tony@southern-heating.co.uk or visit the Society’s website on www.landscbs.org.uk

Chairman’s Message – February 2018

No doubt most of you are in the middle of the breeding season and I wish you every success that you deserve. With us it is a very disappointing season so far with many pairs having clear rounds, a few hens have died and few did not lay and only 15 chicks rung by end of January. However, apart from these setbacks no doubt a few of you would have also experienced the problem of ring delivery this year. I must admit with all my years in the hobby since 1971 this is the first time that I have heard of such problems with the ring manufacturer so I feel for those members who have been affected by this long delay.

We had a successful year last year with 3 successful events staged by your Council. The SRVOS/YSS was reported in the August Newsletter and with this Newsletter you will see the results of the area show (October) and the Inter-Club Competition (November). Both events had an international flavour to it whereby we had a fancier from the USA, Greg Arena, attending the show and joining our society and for the November event we had Maarten Heylen, a successful fancier and judge from Belgium, attending as our guest speaker and judge and he had Bob Wilson (USA) accompanying him for the trip. It was very pleasing to listen to Maarten explaining to the attendees his method of breeding, feeding and showing.

For me the year was marred by the passing away of two good friends namely Barry Wiseman (October) and Vic Springett (November). Vic, with his late wife Doreen, were my mentors when I started in the hobby back in 1971 in Southend on Sea. They taught me all I needed to know about show management, both in the office and on the floor, and it was an acceptable joke that I was their surrogate son. Barry was a great gentleman and friend to many and a very successful exhibitor. Only recently I heard of the passing of Frank Sains who was a founder member of Mid Essex BS. Our condolences are extended to their families.

Our society website had a face lift recently when we engaged Terry Tuxford to do the job for us. We extend a special THANK YOU to Tony Cash who looked after the website for the past few years and was also our Newsletter Editor until recently when he vacated both posts. Thank you Tony for a job well done.

We have invited the World Champions Sandra & James Gillan to be our guest speakers at the AGM to be held on Sunday 18th February so I hope that many of you will attend and make their trip from Norwich worthwhile. See you at our first event of the year.

Ghalib Al-Nasser, Chairman

Future Events

SRVOS/YSS    Saturday 14th July 2018
Area Show        Sunday 14th October 2018
Inter-Club         Sunday 11th November 2018

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