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2020 Show


By Ghalib Al-Nasser, Chairman & Shows Organiser

The society kick-started the whole budgerigar show season following Covid restrictions, by staging the first championship show back in July and ended the Budgerigar Society championship show season by staging the Budgerigar Society 2020 young bird championship show in early November. This show is sponsored financially by the Budgerigar Society and restricted to owner bred birds rung in 2020 which have missed the whole show season last year due the pandemic. Unfortunately, the show was not well supported with only 9 exhibitors entering 94 birds of which 65 birds were benched for Bev Hutt to judge. The society president David Rafis awarded a beautiful glass trophy for the best rare variety in show which was won by the Al-Nasser partnership.

Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser won the award for best in show with a quality goldenface grey cock and they also won the best opposite sex award with an opaline cinnamon skyblue hen. Of course, their winner was also best champion and they also won second best champion with a cobalt cock. The Ackers & Bird partnership won third and fourth best champion with a grey and grey green cock.

Tony Wilkinson dominated the intermediate section winning the first three places with a yellowface skyblue hen, double factor spangle white cock and cobalt cock. Paul Tiller was fourth best with a yellowface cock.

Rupert Redden won the novice section with a dominant pied yellowface grey cock which was followed by his yellowface cock and spangle skyblue hen.

The Al-Nasser team also won the colour budgerigar award with a cobalt cock and their tufted cobalt hen was second best.

There were two pairs entered by Ghalib & Janice and the winner was a pair of cinnamon skyblue followed by their pair of suffused yellows.

Best of colour awards; D. Harmer, skyblue, opaline blue; G & J Al-Nasser, dark factor blue, cinnamon green, cinnamon blue, opaline cinnamon, yellow-wing, whitewing, crest, dominant pied, yellowface, rare variety, clearbody, any other colour, colour budgerigar, pair; Ackers & Bird, grey green, grey; R. Watts, lutino, albino, spangle green; R. Redden, spangle blue; A. Wilkinson, double factor spangle.

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