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Area Open Show

Past Area Open Show Winners

London & Southern Counties B.S. Area Show - 2024
report by Ghalib Al-Nasser, Shows Organiser

The Judges - Graham Barton, Michael Chapman, Bev Hutt & Cy Thorne

Jim Lawrie - Best in Show

Rick Watts - Best Young Bird in Show

Ray Nicholls - Best Intermediate Young Bird

Peter Fitzgerald - Best Novice Any Age & Young Bird

Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser - Best Colour Budgerigar in Show

Paul Chandler - Best Colour Budgerigar Young Bird

Ian Standley - Best Opposite Sex in Show

Ulyatt & Warman - Best Opposite Sex Young Bird


London & Southern Counties B.S. Area Show - 2023
report by Ghalib Al-Nasser, Shows Organiser


The Society held another successful area championship show with an increase in total entry from previous years. The atmosphere was great with plenty of visitors and the overseas judge Bjorn Johansson from Sweden was very impressed with the quality of the birds that he judged and the atmosphere at the show.

Once again members came forward with sponsoring the show with section rosettes, prize money and placing adverts in the schedule and the Society is grateful to Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser, Mick Freeborn & Andy Thorpe, Peter Merritt, Jim Lawrie, Malcolm Parsons, Ron Pearce, David & Linda Rafis, Rupert Redden, Brian & Karen Scott, Ian Standley, Paul Tiller, Terry & Yvonne Tuxford, James Wheeler and to Gold Chips Bedding, Aviary Hygiene and South Eastern BC for their kind sponsorship.

The show received a higher entry of 475 from last year’s show from 44 exhibitors with 342 birds benched. The judges Bjorn Johansson, Adrian & Trevor Terheege and Mick Widdowson selected Ackers & Bird light green cock as the best any age in show and then best in show. The judges also selected a lacewing yellow cock bred by Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser as the best young bird in show who also won the award for best any age opposite sex with a cinnamon grey green hen. The final award that the judges selected was the best young bird opposite sex in show and best overall opposite sex in show which went to a spangle cinnamon skyblue hen bred by Ray Nicholls.

There was a further increase in the champion exhibitors to 23 and the Ackers & Bird’s best any age in show light green cock headed the champion any age section who also occupied the second place with a grey green cock. Jim Lawrie was third with a spangle light green cock. Ghalib & Janice won the champion young bird section with their lacewing yellow cock, followed by Steve Cox spangle cobalt cock in second place. Ian Standley was third best with a spangle yellowface grey hen.

Heading the intermediate any age section of 6 exhibitors was Nick Masham’s dominant pied grey cock and his double factor spangle white hen was in second position. Ray Welfare benched a lutino cock in third position. Ray Nicholls won the intermediate young bird award with his best opposite sex spangle cinnamon skyblue hen and also occupied third place with a cinnamon grey cock. Separating the two birds was Nick Masham’s dominant pied cobalt cock.

There were the same number of exhibitors in the novice section as last two years of 11 exhibitors and Andrew & Lila Pitcher from Dorset headed the any age section with a yellowface cinnamon grey cock and also occupied the next two places with an opaline skyblue cock and an opaline grey green cock. Simon Horner dominated the novice young bird section by winning the section with a grey cock then a grey green cock in second place followed by his grey hen in third position.

It was pleasing to see 4 juniors competing and congratulations to Allanis Bird for winning the any age section with a skyblue cock followed by her grey cock. Harry Johnson coming all the way from Dorset to win third position with a cinnamon cobalt cock. Harry dominated the junior young bird section by winning the first 3 places with a cinnamon grey hen, cinnamon light green cock and circular crest opaline cinnamon light green hen.

There was only 1 Pair entered and Tony Wilkinson won the class with a pair of yellowface cobalts. Sadly, there were no teams entered.

There was a fantastic entry of 47 colour budgerigars entered by 13 exhibitors competing for the 2 challenge certificates in the any age and young bird sections. This demonstrated the popularity and slow progress in opinion changing regarding this breed around the country. Anita Thorogood won the any age certificate with a cobalt cock while Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser were second best with a spangle cobalt cock. Anita also won the young bird certificate with a half circular crest cinnamon cobalt hen which was also best colour budgerigar overall and she occupied second best with a cinnamon cobalt hen.

Wayne Greening won the best colour budgerigar pair with a spangle skyblue while Paul Chandler was second with a pair of opaline cinnamon light green. There were no teams in the colour budgerigar section.

Best of colour any age awards: Ackers & Bird, light green, grey green; R. Marston, dark factor green; A. Bird, skyblue; G. Carter, dark factor blue; Freeborn & Thorpe, grey; J. Wheeler, opaline green; A & L Pitcher, opaline blue, yellowface; H. Johnson, cinnamon green; S. Gage, cinnamon blue; J. Lawrie, opaline cinnamon, spangle green; R. Welfare, lutino; R. Carr, albino; Thorogood & Naylor, yellow-wing; G & J Al-Nasser, whitewing, dominant pied, recessive pied, rare variety, clearbody; M & P Baker, crest; S. Cox, spangle blue; I Standley, double factor spangle; B, K & A Scott, any other colour; A. Thorogood, colour budgerigar.

Best of colour young bird awards: G. Carter, light green, clearbody; G & J Al-Nasser, dark factor green, albino, rare variety, any other colour; R. Marston, skyblue; R. Carr, dark factor blue, opaline green, lutino; J. Lawrie, grey green, grey, double factor spangle; I. Standley, opaline blue, spangle green; S. Bailey, cinnamon green; R. Nicholls, cinnamon blue, yellowface; N. Masham, opaline cinnamon, dominant pied; T & Y Tuxford, yellow-wing; M & P Baker, crest, S. Cox, spangle blue; N & N Johnson, recessive pied; A. Thorogood, colour budgerigar.

Best In Show - John Bird (Ackers & Bird)

Best Young Bird In Show - Janice & Ghalib Al-Nasser

Best Opposite Sex Young Bird & Overall - Ray Nicholls
Best Opposite Sex Any Age - Janice & Ghalib Al-Nasser

Best Colour Budgerigar Any Age & Young Bird - A Thorogood

Andrew & Lila Pitcher - Best Novice Any Age

Simon Horner - Best Novice Young Bird


Nick Masham - Best Intermediate Any Age

The Judges - Mick Widdowson, Bjorn Johansson, Adrian & Trevor Terheege

The Colour Stewards at Work

David Rafis with his Bring & Buy Table

London & Southern Counties B.S. Area Show - 2022

reported by Ghalib Al-Nasser, Shows Organiser

Members of the Society were very pleased with the increased entry received for the area championship show and the great atmosphere that was present at the show. Once again members came forward with sponsoring the show with section rosettes, prize money and placing adverts in the schedule and the Society is grateful to Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser, Mick Freeborn, Simon Gage, Hastings BS, Jim Lawrie, Malcolm Parsons, Ron Pearce, David & Linda Rafis, Rupert Redden, Brian & Karen Scott, Ian Standley, Andy Thorpe, Paul Tiller, Terry & Yvonne Tuxford, James Wheeler and to Gold Chips Bedding, Aviary Hygiene and Bird Wise Products for their kind sponsorship.

The show received a higher entry of 449 from last year’s show from 41 exhibitors with 341 birds benched and it was very welcoming to see Neil McMillan coming all the way on the train from Newcastle upon Tyne to exhibit his clearwings. A dedication that was much admired and appreciated.

The Judges - Brian Reese, Mark Gulley, Maurice Roberts & Ian Standley

It was the skyblue variety that came up trumps on this occasion in comparison to the greys at last year’s show. The judges; B.S. Chairman Maurice Roberts, Mark Gulley, Brian Reese and our own President Ian Standley selected Jim Lawrie’s skyblue cock as the best any age in show and then selected another skyblue cock bred by Steve Cox as the best young bird and best in show. The Terheege Partnership won the best any age opposite sex award with a cinnamon grey green hen. The final award that the judges selected was the best young bird opposite sex in show and best overall opposite sex in show which went to an albino hen bred by Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser.

Best In Show & Best Young Bird Steve Cox Best Any Age Jim Lawrie Best Any Age Opposite Sex Terheege Partnership Best Young Bird Opposite Sex G & J Al-Nasser

There was an increase in the champion exhibitors from 18 to 22 and Jim’s best any age in show skyblue cock headed the champion any age section. Steve Cox occupied the next two places with a light green cock and yellowface grey cock. Steve Cox won the champion young bird section with his best in show skyblue cock followed by Rick Watts’ spangle grey cock in second place. Simon Gage was third best with a cinnamon skyblue cock.

President Ian Standley and Jim Lawrie President Ian Standley with Janice & Ghalib Al-Nasser Adrian Terheege and President Ian Standley

Heading the intermediate any age section of 6 exhibitors was Tony Wilkinson’s yellowface cinnamon blue hen and his cinnamon skyblue cock was in second position. Paul Harden benched a grey cock in third position. Tony Wilkinson also won the intermediate young bird award with a spangle grey green cock. Ray Nicholls occupied the next two places with a spangle light green hen and spangle skyblue hen.

Tony Wilkinson Tony Wilkinson with President Ian Standley President Ian Standley with Ray Nicholls

There were the same number of exhibitors in the novice section as last year of 11 exhibitors and Phillip Ades headed the any age section with a light green cock. Les Underwood was second with a grey green cock followed by Rupert Redden’s dominant pied yellowface grey cock in third position. Simon Horner won the novice young bird award with a grey green cock while Les Underwood was second again with a grey cock. Phillip Ades was third best with a grey hen.

Phillip Ades with President Ian Standley Simon Horner with President Ian Standley President Ian Standley and Harry Johnson

It was pleasing to see 2 juniors competing and congratulations to Zoe & Harry Johnson coming all the way from Dorset to dominate this section. They won the top 3 awards in the any age section with a cinnamon dark green cock followed by their grey cock and grey green cock. They also won the young bird awards with a grey cock followed by a grey hen in second position.

There were 4 Pairs entered and Tony Wilkinson won the class with a pair of spangle greys and his pair of cobalts were third. Tony Jeffrey benched a pair of recessive pied cinnamon greys in second place.

The Office Staff - Malcom Parsons, Marion Standley, Janice Al-Nasser, Karen Scott

Heading the Team class of 3 entries were 4 grey cocks benched by Ghalib & Janice. Brian & Karen Scott benched 2 pairs of dominant pied light greens in second place while their 4 light green cocks were third best.

There was a fantastic entry of 28 colour budgerigars entered by 8 exhibitors competing for the 2 challenge certificates in the any age and young bird sections. This demonstrated the popularity and slow progress in opinion changing regarding this breed around the country. The Buhler & Pearce partnership won the any age certificate with a white blue hen while Steve Cox was second best with a violet cock. Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser won the young bird certificate with a circular crest lutino hen while Nina Taylor was second best with a light green hen.

London & Southern Counties B.S. Area Show - 2021
report by Ghalib Al-Nasser, Shows Organiser

A First For Rick

Members of the society were very pleased that the area championship show took place during the very limited show season due to Covid and, as expected, the entry was lower than previous years. Once again members came forward with sponsoring the show with section rosettes and prize money and the Society is grateful to Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser, Mick Freeborn, Hastings BS, Paul Harden, Ray & Ruth Marston, Malcolm Parsons, Ron Pearce, David & Linda Rafis, Rupert Redden, Brian & Karen Scott, Ian Standley, Andy Thorpe, Paul Tiller, Terry & Yvonne Tuxford and Gold Chips Bedding for their kind sponsorship.

The Judges - Mike & Steve Holland, Phil Reaney & Brian Scott

It was the grey variety that came up trumps when the judges, B.S. President Phil Reaney, Steve & Mike Holland and Brian Scott selected Rick Watts’ grey cock as the best any age and best in show while his young grey cock won the best young bird opposite sex award. Peter Merritt, who won the coveted best in show award on three previous consecutive years with the same bird, had to be content with the best any age opposite sex award with a grey hen. The honour of staging the best young bird in show and best overall opposite sex in show went to a wonderful recessive pied cinnamon cobalt hen benched by the Terheege Partnership.

The show received a lower entry of 443 from the last show held in 2019 from 36 exhibitors with 312 birds benched. Sadly, on this occasion, there were no junior exhibitors.

Rick Watts - Best in Show

There were 18 champion exhibitors and Rick’s best in show grey cock headed the champion any age section followed by Gavin Carter with a skyblue cock in second place. Peter Merritt’s grey hen was placed third best. The Terheege Partnership won the champion young bird section with their recessive pied cinnamon cobalt hen followed by Rick Watts’ grey cock in second place. Peter Merritt was third best with a spangle blue cock.

Heading the intermediate any age section of 7 exhibitors was Nick Masham’s grey cock and he was second with a dominant pied cock. This was followed by Ray Nicholls’ cinnamon green cock in third place. Paul Harden won the young bird section with a cinnamon blue cock while Ray Nicholls occupied the next two places with a dark green cock and spangle blue hen.

The Terheege Partnership - Best young bird

Nick Masham - Best intermediate any age

Paul Harden - Best intermeduate young bird

Ray Welfare - best novice any age

Derek Ham - best novice young bird

Ray Welfare won the novice any age section of 11 exhibitors with a lutino cock followed by Derek Ham’s grey green cock. Syed Rizvi was third with a grey cock. Derek Ham headed the novice young bird section with a grey cock and he was third with a cobalt cock. Craig Trevallion was second with a recessive pied cock.

There were 4 Pairs entered and Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser won the class with a pair of cinnamon skyblues and were also second. Roy Aplin was third.

Unfortunately, only one team was benched out of two entries and the Al-Nasser’s won with their team of 2 pairs of lutinos.

There were 9 colour budgerigars entered by 3 exhibitors competing for the 2 challenge certificates in the any age and young bird sections. Ghalib & Janice won the any age certificate with a light green cock while Annette Thorogood won the young bird certificate with a cinnamon dark green hen.

Best of colour any age awards: G. Carter, light green, skyblue, double factor spangle; Terheege Partnership, dark factor green, dark factor blue, grey green, opaline cinnamon, spangle blue, recessive pied; R. Watts, grey, lutino, crest; R. Marston, opaline green; D. Harmer, opaline blue; Ulyatt & Warman, cinnamon green; G & J Al-Nasser, cinnamon blue, albino, whitewing, yellowface, rare variety, any other colour; I. Thorogood, yellow-wing, clearbody; J. Lawrie, spangle green, dominant pied.

Best of colour young bird awards: Ulyatt & Warman, light green; G. Carter, dark factor green, skyblue, any other colour; I. Standley, dark factor blue, yellowface; R. Watts, grey green, grey, lutino, crest, spangle green; Terheege Partnership, opaline green, cinnamon green, recessive pied, rare variety; A. Wilkinson, opaline blue, P. Harden, cinnamon blue; J. Lawrie, opaline cinnamon; G & J Al-Nasser, albino; Lee & Bird, whitewing, clearbody; P. Merritt, spangle blue, double factor spangle; M. Frost, dominant pied.

London & Southern Counties BS Area Open - 13th October 2019
The Gerald Binks Memorial Show.
 Judges: Ken Brockwell, Allan Michael, Chris Snell and Geoff Tuplin
Major Sponsor - Mick Freeborn


The L&SCBS area show was The Gerald Binks Memorial Show in respect to the late Gerald Binks who passed away in July this year. Gerald was a past president of the Society and a household name in the fancy world-wide. His wife Joyce presented the special glass trophies to all section winners; the cost of the trophies being sponsored by Mick Freeborn, the show’s major sponsor. The Society is indebted to Mick and to Gladwells who donated 20kg bags of seed to all section winners. The Society also received sponsorship from Gold Chips Bedding as well as Aviary Hygiene, where the prizes were distributed to the second best and third best section winners. The society also thanks Mick Freeborn, Peter Merritt and Andy Thorpe who donated quality birds for the auction. One of the judges, Geoff Tuplin on behalf of the partnership Tuplin and Edwards, donated a pair of young birds to the best junior young bird in show and Junior Ginge was the lucky winner. It was also good to see Les Martin and his partner Edith attending the show to give moral support to Joyce Binks. Once again members came forward with sponsoring the section rosettes and prize money and the society is grateful to Ghalib and Janice Al-Nasser, Mick Freeborn, David Harmer, Ray and Ruth Marston, Ron Pearce, David & Linda Rafis, Rupert Redden, Brian & Karen Scott, Ian Standley, Andy Thorpe, Paul Tiller and Terry and Yvonne Tuxford.

History was made when the judges, Ken Brockwell, Allan Michael, Chris Snell and Geoff Tuplin gave a unanimous verdict to the cinnamon grey cock of Peter Merritt as the best any age and best in show. This is a ‘hat-trick’ for this bird and for Peter, as it won best in show in 2017 as a young bird, then as an adult in 2018 and again this year. However, winning on 3 or 4 consecutive years was achieved before by Amos and Thumwood, Muir and Crossman and Roy Aplin but never with the same bird; WELL DONE PETER.

Best In Show - Peter Merritt - A Hat-trick


The show received a slightly higher entry of 512 from 2018 with 42 exhibitors and 348 birds benched. Many birds were affected by the moult which affected the benched number, but the quality of the birds shown compensated for this.

The judges awarded Peter Merritt’s cinnamon grey cock as the best any age in show and best in show. They also awarded Peter’s grey cock as the best young bird opposite sex in show. The judges gave Ghalib and Janice Al-Nasser’s cinnamon cobalt hen as the best young bird in show and overall best opposite sex in show. Graham Paine won the best any age opposite sex award with a spangle grey hen.

There were 16 champion exhibitors and Peter’s best in show headed the champion any age section with his cinnamon grey cock followed by Kevin Burnett with a skyblue cock in second place. Ian Standley was third with a spangle skyblue cock. Ghalib & Janice won the champion young bird section with their cinnamon cobalt hen followed by Peter Merritt’s grey cock in second place. The Terheege Partnership were third best with a grey green cock.


Heading the intermediate any age section of 9 exhibitors was James Folly’s grey cock. This was followed by Ray Nicholls’ cinnamon cobalt cock in second place. Ray Marston was third with a skyblue cock. Ray Nicholls won the young bird section with a spangle opaline cobalt hen followed by his violet cock in second place. James Folly was third with a cinnamon grey hen.

Derek Ham won the strong novice any age section of 14 exhibitors with a dark green cock followed by Gary Simpson with a spangle cinnamon light green cock. Graham Paine was third with his spangle cinnamon grey hen. Graham also headed the novice young bird section with a double factor spangle white cock. Nichola Bird occupied the next two spots with a light green cock and an opaline grey hen.

There were three junior exhibitors and heading the any age section were Zoe and Harry Johnson with a skyblue cock. Reggie, Harry and Ellesse Fordham were second with a grey green cock followed by Junior Ginge in third place with a cinnamon skyblue cock. Junior Ginge dominated the young bird section with a grey green cock, dominant pied grey green cock and opaline cinnamon light green hen in the first three placings.


There were two pairs entered and Peter Merritt won the class with a pair of cinnamon greys followed by Ghalib and Janice Al-Nasser’s greys. With just one team entered, the Al-Nasser’s won with their team of two pairs of lutinos.

There were 19 colour budgerigars entered by five exhibitors competing for the two challenge certificates in the any age and young bird sections. Fred Pilbeam won the any age certificate with an opaline light green cock while Ghalib and Janice Al-Nasser’s yellowface albino hen won the second class and opposite sex any age. Zoe and Harry Johnson won the young bird certificate with a light green cock while Ghalib and Janice Al-Nasser won the second class and opposite sex with a circular crest lutino hen.

There were 3 pairs entered in the colour budgerigar pair class and Faye Percy won the certificate with a pair of yellowface cobalts. Ghalib and Janice Al-Nasser were second with opaline cobalts and a pair of Hagoromo crest yellowface cobalts were third for Stewart and Sarah Andrews.


Best of colour any age awards: K. Burnett, light green, skyblue; D. Ham, dark factor green; S. Bailey, dark factor blue; Ulyatt and Warman, grey green; C. Hickman, grey, yellowface; R. Marston, opaline green; A. Thorpe, opaline blue; N. Bird, cinnamon green; P. Merritt, cinnamon blue; Terheege Partnership, opaline cinnamon, recessive pied, any other colour; G. Simpson, lutino, spangle green; G and J Al-Nasser, albino, yellow-wing, whitewing; D and L Rafis, crest; I. Standley, spangle blue, dominant pied; M. Freeborn, double factor spangle; C. Thorne, rare variety, clearbody.

Best of colour young bird awards: N. Bird, light green, opaline blue, any other colour; C. Hickman, dark factor green; I. Standley, skyblue; R. Nicholls, dark factor blue, spangle blue; Terheege Partnership, grey green, opaline green, lutino, recessive pied, clearbody; P. Merritt, grey; A. Thorpe, cinnamon green, albino; G and J Al-Nasser, cinnamon blue, yellow-wing, whitewing, rare variety; M. Bannister, opaline cinnamon; Z and H Johnson, crest; C. Thorne, spangle green; G. Paine, double factor spangle; R. Marston, dominant pied; R. Redden, yellowface.

London & Southern Counties BS Area Open
 Show Results 2019
Best in Show   19-4 Peter Merritt
Best Young Bird in Show   120-2 G & J Al-Nasser
Best Any Age 19-4 P Merritt   Best Op Sex Young Bird 111-6 P Merritt
Best Op Sex Any Age 436-1 G Paine   Best Op Sex  120-2 G & J Al-Nasser
                                                                                                                               Best of Colour Winners
Any Age Birds   Young Birds
    Cage Name       Cage Name
Light Green 1-3 K Burnett   Light Green 501-3 N Bird
Dark Green 403-1 D Ham   Dark Green 103-4 C Hickman
Skyblue 5-5 K Burnett   Skyblue 105-2 I Standley
Dark Blue 7-2 S Bailey   Dark Blue 307-1 R Nicholls
Grey Green 9-2 Ulyatt & Warman   Grey Green 109-6 Terheege Part.
Grey 11-3 C Hickman   Grey 111-6 P Merritt
Opaline Green 213-1 R Marston   Opaline Green 114-1 Terheege Part.
Opaline Blue 15-1 A Thorpe   Opaline Blue 516-1 N Bird
Normal Cinnamon Green 418-1 N Bird   Normal Cinnamon Green 118-2 A Thorpe
Normal Cinnamon Blue 19-4 P Merritt   Normal Cinnamon Blue 120-2 G & J Al-Nasser
Opaline Cinnamon 21-1 Terheege Part.   Opaline Cinnamon 321-1 M Bannister
Lutino 423-4 G Simpson   Lutino 124-1 Terheege Part.
Albino 25-1 G & J Al-Nasser   Albino 126-1 A Thorpe
Yellow-Wing 28-1 G & J Al-Nasser   Yellow-Wing 128-1 G & J Al-Nasser
Whitewing 29-1 G & J Al-Nasser   Whitewing 129-2 G & J Al-Nasser
Crest 31-1 D & L Rafis   Crest 732-2 Z & H Johnson
Spangle Green 433-1 G Simpson   Spangle Green 134-1 C Thorne
Spangle Blue 35-1 I Standley   Spangle Blue 336-2 R Nicholls
DF Spangle 37-3 M Freeborn   DF Spangle 537-1 G Paine
Dominant Pied 39-4 I Standley   Dominant Pied 339-1 R Marston
Recessive Pied 41-2 Terheege Part.   Recessive Pied 141-1 Terheege Part.
Yellowface 44-1 C Hickman   Yellowface 543-4 R Redden
Rare Variety 46-1 C Thorne   Rare Variety 146-2 G & J Al-Nasser
Clearbody 47-1 C Thorne   Clearbody 147-1 Terheege Part.
Any Other Colour 49-1 Terheege Part.   Any Other Colour 549-1 N Bird
Best Pair 761-2 P Merritt   Best Colour Budgerigar 766-6 Z & H Johnson
Best Team 762-1 G & J Al-Nasser   Certificates of Merit
Best Colour Budgerigar 764-1 F Pilbeam   Best Novice Any Age   436-1 G Paine
Best Colour Budgerigar Pair   778-3 F Percy   Best Junior Any Age   609-1 Fordham Jun Part.
Best Colour Budgerigar Team   N/A   Best Novice Young Bird   515-6 J Fordham
        Best Junior Young Bird 709-1 J Ginge
                                                                                                                                     Section Winners
Best Champion Any Age 19-4 P Merritt   Best Champion Young Bird 120-2 G & J Al-Nasser
2nd Champion Any Age 5-5 K Burnett   2nd Champion Young Bird 111-6 P Merritt
3rd Champion Any Age 35-1 I Standley   3rd Champion Young Bird 109-6 Terheege Part.
4th Champion Any Age 11-3 C Hickman   4th Champion Young Bird 139-4 G & J Al-Nasser
5th Champion Any Age 12-2 P Merritt   5th Champion Young Bird 126-1 A  Thorpe
6th Champion Any Age 44-1 C Hickman   6th Champion Young Bird 105-2 I Standley
7th Champion Any Age 1-3 K Burnett   7th Champion Young Bird 106-2 S Bailey
Best Intermediate Any Age 211-2 J Folly   Best Intermediate Young Bird 336-2 R Nicholls
2nd Intermediate Any Age 219-4 R Nicholls   2nd Intermediate Young Bird 3071 R Nicholls
3rd Intermediate Any Age 205-2 R Marston   3rd Intermediate Young Bird 320-2 J Folly
4th Intermediate Any Age 207-2 R Nicholls   4th Intermediate Young Bird 304-2 R Nicholls
5th Intermediate Any Age 218-1 J Folly   5th Intermediate Young Bird 319-3 A Wilkinson
6th Intermediate Any Age 243-1 J Folly   6th Intermediate Young Bird 321-1 M Bannister
7th Intermediate Any Age 233-1 J Folly   7th Intermediate Young Bird 333-1 R Marston
Best Novice Any Age 403-1 D Ham   Best Novice Young Bird 537-1 G Paine
2nd Novice Any Age 433-1 G Simpson   2nd Novice Young Bird 501-3 N Bird
3rd Novice Any Age 436-1 G Paine   3rd Novice Young Bird 516-1 N Bird
4th Novice Any Age 418-1 N Bird   4th Novice Young Bird 515-2 J Fordham
5th Novice Any Age 405-1 G Paine   5th Novice Young Bird 536-1 G Paine
6th Novice Any Age 437-2 J Fordham   6th Novice Young Bird 518-1 D Ham
7th Novice Any Age 411-2 G Paine   7th Novice Young Bird 543-4 R Redden
Best Junior Any Age 605-1 Z & H Johnson   Best Junior Young Bird 709-1 Junior Ginge
2nd Junior Any Age 609-1 Fordham Jun Part   2nd Junior Young Bird 739-1 Junior Ginge
3rd Junior Any Age 620-1 Junior Ginge   3rd Junior Young Bird 722-1 Junior Ginge
Entered 512     Benched 348 Exhibitors    42

The Judges - Chris Snell, Ken Brockwell, Allan Michael & Geoff Tuplin

Peter Merritt - BIS

Ghalib Al-Nasser (G & J Al-Nasser) - Best Young Bird in Show

James Folly - Best Intermediate Any Age

Ray Nicholls - Best Intermediate Young Bird.

Derek Ham - Best Novice Any Age

Graham Paine - Best Novice Young Bird

Harry Johnson (Z & H Johnson) - Best Junior Any Age

Junior Ginge - Best Junior Young Bird

Geoff Tuplin (Tuplin & Edwards) donated a pair of young birds to the Best Junior Young Bird won by Junior Ginge

Geoff Tuplin, Joyce Binks, Edith Gazeley & Les Martin

Best in Section Glass Trophies

London & Southern Counties B.S. Area Show - 2018
report by Ghalib Al-Nasser, Shows Organiser

The Office Staff - Malcolm Parsons, Dan Hellawell, Janice Al-Nasser, James Folly & Aidan Bird


Having achieved the double by winning both the any age and young bird awards and eventually the supreme award with the young bird last year, Peter Merritt came back again to repeat his success by having his last year’s young bird winner repeating the same success as an adult in winning the supreme award again.

For some unexplainable reasons the show suffered with a loss of 16% from last year’s entry and received a total entry of 492 from 42 exhibitors (only 3 down from last year) spanning over 3 area societies and benched 363 in total. Our thanks are extended to Roy Aplin for donating a pencil sketch to raise funds as well as to the exhibitors who sponsored the cost of the rosettes (Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser, Hastings BS, Connor Hickman, Ray & Ruth Marston, Mid Essex BS, Ron Pearce, Brian & Karen Scott, Richard Tessier, Paul Tiller, Andy Thorpe and Terry & Yvonne Tuxford) and to David & Linda Rafis who sponsored the show with the steward’s seed raffle, Aviary Hygiene, SkyGold and Gold Chips Bedding.

The Judges Bob Francis, Gary Hale, Tony Pope & Dave Game

The judges; Bob Francis, Dave Game, Gary Hale & Tony Pope all from South Wales chose the cinnamon grey cock, last year’s winner, of committee member Peter Merritt as the best any age in show and best in show. They also awarded Peter’s yellowface skyblue hen as the best any age opposite sex and overall best opposite sex in show. Gavin Carter won the best young bird in show with a light green cock while Connor Hickman’s yellowface grey hen won the young bird opposite sex award.

Peter Merritt - BIS & Best Opposite Sex in Show

Gavin Carter - Best Young Bird in Show

Steve Bailey headed the champion any age section with his grey green cock followed by the Terheege Partnership with a light green cock in second place.  Gavin Carter was third with a light green hen. Gavin won the champion young bird section with his light green cock and was third best with a grey hen.  Connor Hickman benched the yellowface grey hen in second place.

Connor Hickman - Best Young Bird Opposite Sex

Steve Bailey - Best Champion Any Age

Peter Merritt had a good team to win the first five places in the intermediate any age section. His best in show cinnamon grey cock headed the section followed by his yellowface skyblue hen and cobalt cock in second and third place. Tony Jeffrey headed the intermediate young bird section with a skyblue hen followed by his dominant pied light green hen in second place. James Folly was third with a spangle light green cock.

Tony Jeffrey - Best Intermediate Young Bird

Graham Paine won the novice any age section with a spangle light green cock followed by Mark Bannister with an albino and lacewing opaline yellow cocks. Mark Bannister also headed the novice young bird section with a lacewing opaline yellow hen followed by Ray Nicholls in second and third spots with a cinnamon grey green and cobalt cocks.

Graham Paine - Best Novice Any Age

Mark Bannister - Best Novice Young Bird

Nichola Bird headed the beginner any age section with a yellowface grey cock and was followed by Gary Simpson’s lutino cock in second place. Wendy Thorogood was third with a cinnamon grey cock and Wendy also headed the young bird section with another cinnamon grey cock. Nichola Bird occupied the next two places with a spangle dark green cock and yellowface skyblue hen.

Girl Power - Nichola Bird & Wendy Thorogood

Sadly Zoe Johnson was the only junior exhibitor and won all the awards in the section. Her violet cock headed the any age section followed by her opaline cinnamon grey green and cinnamon grey green cocks. Zoe headed the young bird section with an opaline light green hen followed by her cobalt cock and olive green hen.

There were 3 Pairs entered and only 2 benched and Graham Paine won the class with a pair of skyblue followed by Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser with spangle cobalt.

There were 2 teams benched and the Al-Nasser’s won with 4 lutino cocks followed by their team of 2 pairs of albinos.

There were 10 colour budgerigars entered by 4 exhibitors and Ghalib & Janice won the award with their cobalt cock. Faye Percy won the any other colour class with a yellowface skyblue hen.

Best of colour any age awards: Terheege Partnership, light green, dark factor green, opaline cinnamon, any other colour; J. Folly, skyblue, spangle blue; P. Merritt, dark factor blue, cinnamon green, cinnamon blue, yellowface; S. Bailey, grey green; T. Jeffrey, grey; R. Aplin, opaline green, clearbody; G. Paine, opaline blue, spangle green, dominant pied; G. Simpson, lutino; M. Bannister, albino; G & J Al-Nasser, yellow-wing, whitewing, rare variety; D & L Rafis, crest; A. Thorpe, double factor spangle; Johnson & Chubb, recessive pied

Best of colour young bird awards: G. Carter, light green, grey, opaline blue, spangle green; F. Wright, dark factor green, cinnamon blue; T. Jeffrey, skyblue, dominant pied; R. Nicholls, dark factor blue, cinnamon green; C. Hickman, grey green, yellowface; Terheege Partnership, opaline green, spangle blue, recessive pied; R. Aplin, opaline cinnamon; M. Bannister, lutino, any other colour; G & J Al-Nasser, albino, yellow-wing, whitewing; A. Thorpe, double factor spangle; D & L Rafis, rare variety; G. Paine, clearbody.

Best in Show   219-1 P Merrittt
Best Young Bird in Show   101-1 G Carter
Best Any Age 219-1 P Merritt   Best Young Bird 101-1 G Carter
Best Op Sex Any Age 244-1 P Merritt   Best Op Sex Young Bird 144-1 C Hickman
Best Op Sex  244-1 P Merritt          
Best of Colour Winners
Any Age Birds   Young Birds
Light Green 1-8 Terheege Partnership   Light Green 101-1 G Carter
Dark Green 3-3 Terheege Partnership   Dark Green 103-3 F Wright
Skyblue 205-1 J Folly   Skyblue 306-1 T Jeffrey
Dark Blue 207-4 P Merritt   Dark Blue 507-2 R Nicholls
Grey Green 9-6 S Bailey   Grey Green 109-1 C Hickman
Grey 211-5 T Jeffrey   Grey 112-1 G Carter
Opaline Green 13-1 R Aplin   Opaline Green 114-2 Terheege Partnership
Opaline Blue 416-1 G Paine   Opaline Blue 116-1 G Carter
Normal Cinnamon Green 218-3 P Merritt   Normal Cinnamon Green 517-1 R Nicholls
Normal Cinnamon Blue 219-1 P Merritt   Normal Cinnamon Blue 119-2 F Wright
Opaline Cinnamon 21-2 Terheege Partnership   Opaline Cinnamon 121-1 R Aplin
Lutino 623-1 G Simpson   Lutino 524-2 M Bannister
Albino 425-1 M Bannister   Albino 126-2 G&J Al-Nasser
Yellow-Wing 27-2 G&J Al-Nasser   Yellow-Wing 128-1 G&J Al-Nasser
Whitewing 29-1 G&J Al-Nasser   Whitewing 129-1 G&J Al-Nasser
Crest 32-1 D Rafis   Crest N/A N/A
Spangle Green 433-1 G Paine   Spangle Green 134-1 G Carter
Spangle Blue 235-2 J Folly   Spangle Blue 136-1 Terheege Partnership
DF Spangle 37-1 A Thorpe   DF Spangle 137-1 A Thorpe
Dominant Pied 439-3 G Paine   Dominant Pied 340-1 T Jeffrey
Recessive Pied 41-1 Johnson & Chubb   Recessive Pied 141-4 Terheege Partnership
Yellowface 244-1 P Merritt   Yellowface 144-1 C Hickman
Rare Variety 45-2 G&J Al-Nasser   Rare Variety 146-1 D Rafis
Clearbody 48-2 R Aplin   Clearbody 547-1 G Paine
Any Other Colour 49-2 Terheege Partnership   Any Other Colour 550-1 M Bannister
Best Pair 951-2 G Paine   Best Colour Budgerigar 953-4 G&J Al-Nasser
Best Team 952-1 G&J Al-Nasser        
Certifiates of Merit
Best Novice Any Age 449-1 M Bannister   Best Novice Young Bird 505-2 G Paine
Best Beginner Any Age 643-3 N Bird   Best Beginner Young Bird 719-1 W Thorogood
Best Junior Any Age 807-1 Zoe Johnson   Best Junior Young Bird 914-1 Zoe Johnson
Section Winners
Best Champion Any Age 9-6 S Bailey   Best Champion Young Bird 101-1 G Carter
2nd Champion Any Age 1-8 Terheege Partnership   2nd Champion Young Bird 144-1 C Hickman
3rd Champion Any Age 2-1 G Carter   3rd Champion Young Bird 112-1 G Carter
4th Champion Any Age 7-2 S Bailey   4th Champion Young Bird 111-1 C Hickman
5th Champion Any Age 35-4 Terheege Partnership   5th Champion Young Bird 140-1 G Carter
6th Champion Any Age 19-4 Terheege Partnership   6th Champion Young Bird 116-1 G Carter
7th Champion Any Age 23-1 G&J Al-Nasser   7th Champion Young Bird 103-3 F Wright
Best Intermediate Any Age 219-1 P Merritt   Best Intermediate Young Bird 306-1 T Jeffrey
2nd Intermediate Any Age 244-1 P Merritt   2nd Intermediate Young Bird 340-1 T Jeffrey
3rd Intermediate Any Age 207-4 P Merritt   3rd Intermediate Young Bird 333-1 J Folly
4th Intermediate Any Age 209-4 P Merritt   4th Intermediate Young Bird 307-1 P Harden
5th Intermediate Any Age 218-3 P Merritt   5th Intermediate Young Bird 344-1 P Harden
6th Intermediate Any Age 205-1 J Folly   6th Intermediate Young Bird 350-2 J Sopp
7th Intermediate Any Age 239-2 T Jeffrey   7th Intermediate Young Bird 317-1 R Marston
Best Novice Any Age 433-1 G Paine   Best Novice Young Bird 550-1 M Bannister
2nd Novice Any Age 425-1 M Bannister   2nd Novice Young Bird 517-1 R Nicholls
3rd Novice Any Age 449-1 M Bannister   3rd Novice Young Bird 507-2 R Nicholls
4th Novice Any Age 439-3 G Paine   4th Novice Young Bird 505-2 G Paine
5th Novice Any Age 416-1 G Paine   5th Novice Young Bird 522-1 M Bannister
6th Novice Any Age 419-2 A Wilkinson   6th Novice Young Bird 512-2 G Paine
7th Novice Any Age 417-1 A Wilkinson   7th Novice Young Bird 524-2 M Bannister
Best Beginner Any Age 643-3 N Bird   Best Beginner Young Bird 719-1 W Thorogood
2nd Beginner Any Age 623-1 G Simpson   2nd Beginner Young Bird 733-1 N Bird
3rd Beginner Any Age 619-1 W Thorogood   3rd Beginner Young Bird 744-1 N Bird
4th Beginner Any Age 609-1 G Simpson   4th Beginner Young Bird 743-1 G Simpson
5th Beginner Any Age 617-1 W Thorogood   5th Beginner Young Bird 701-2 N Bird
6th Beginner Any Age 601-2 R Redden   6th Beginner Young Bird 720-1 N Bird
7th Beginner Any Age 639-1 A Scott   7th Beginner Young Bird 705-2 N Bird
Best Junior Any Age 807-1 Zoe Johnson   Best Junior Young Bird 914-1 Zoe Johnson
2nd Junior Any Age 821-1 Zoe Johnson   2nd Junior Young Bird 907-1 Zoe Johnson
3rd Junior Any Age 817-1 Zoe Johnson   3rd Junior Young Bird 915-1 Zoe Johnson
Entered:  492          Benched: 363       Exhibitors:   42

London & Southern Counties B.S. Area Show - 2017
report by Ghalib Al-Nasser, Shows Organiser


It must have been many years ago when a fancier achieved the double by winning both the any age and young bird awards and eventually the supreme award and this happened at this year’s area show. The show received a total entry of 588 from 45 exhibitors spanning over 3 area societies and benched 421 in total. Our thanks are extended to Roy Aplin for donating a pencil sketch to raise funds as well as to the exhibitors who sponsored the cost of the rosettes and to David & Linda Rafis who sponsored the show with the steward’s seed raffle. Greg Arena, a fancier from the USA, who stewarded at the show was very impressed with the quality of the birds and the organisation of the show.

The judges; Alan & Gina Adams, John Cosby, Gavin Carter & Dave Sturzaker with Tim Gee as the subsidiary judge were unanimous in their choice of the cinnamon grey cock of committee member Peter Merritt as the best young bird in show and best in show. They also awarded Peter’s cinnamon grey cock, a relative of the winner, as the best any age in show. Mike Smith won the any age opposite sex award and best overall opposite sex with a light green hen while Martin Frost benched a dominant pied cinnamon skyblue hen to win the young bird opposite sex award.

The Judges

Dave Tutty headed the champion any age section with his cinnamon light green cock followed by Mike Smith’s light green hen in second place.  Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser were third with a cobalt cock. Connor Hickman won the champion young bird section with a double factor spangle yellow cock which was followed by Ghalib & Janice’s spangle grey cock in second place. Martin Frost was third with his dominant pied hen.

Dave Tutty

Martin Frost

Connor Hickman

Peter Merritt had a good team to win both intermediate sections with his two cinnamon grey cocks that won the major awards. Peter was also third best in the any age section with a cinnamon grey hen and also third best in the young bird section with a yellowface cinnamon grey cock. Tony Jeffrey benched a skyblue cock to win second best any age while James Folly benched a grey cock to win second best young bird.

Peter Merritt

Mark Bannister won the novice any age section with a spangle light green cock followed by Tony Wilkinson’s spangle grey cock in second place. Nick Masham was third with a yellowface cinnamon grey cock. Nick also had a clean sweep in the novice young bird section by winning the first three places with a dominant pied skyblue, light green and spangle opaline light green cocks.

Mark Bannister

Nick Masham

Gary Simpson headed the beginner any age section with a spangle light green hen and was followed by Graham Paine’s spangle cobalt hen in second place. James Wheeler was third with a cobalt cock. Graham Paine won the young bird section with a spangle light green cock and was third with a light green cock. Separating the two was Gary Simpson with his lutino cock.

Gary Simpson

It was refreshing to see three juniors competing for honours and Jack Evans-Lee had a field day in winning both sections. His any age winner was the spangle grey cock and he was third with a cinnamon skyblue cock. Zoe Johnson was second with a cobalt cock. Jack occupied the first three places in the young bird section with a yellowface grey cock, violet cock and spangle grey hen..

Jack Evans-Lee

There were 4 Pairs entered and Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser won with cinnamon greys and they were third with spangle light greens. Graham Paine was second with dominant pied light greens.

Graham Paine

There were 2 teams benched and the Al-Nasser’s won with 2 pairs of lutinos while Tony Jeffrey was second with 4 skyblue cocks.

There were 5 colour budgerigars entered and Ghalib & Janice won both classes with a skyblue cock which won best overall and a dominant pied opaline light green cock.

Best of colour any age awards: M. Smith, light green; G. Paine, dark factor green; T. Jeffrey, skyblue, grey green, albino; G & J Al-Nasser, dark factor blue, whitewing, crest, yellowface; C. Hickman, grey; R. Redden, opaline green; P. Henson, opaline blue; D. Tutty, cinnamon green; P. Merritt, cinnamon blue; J. Folly, opaline cinnamon, clearbody; M. Bannister, lutino, spangle green; A. Shoosmith, yellow-wing, rare variety; A. Wilkinson, spangle blue; AR & TR Terheege & Roby, double factor spangle & any other colour; D. Moss, dominant pied; Johnson & Chubb, recessive pied.

Mike Smith

Best of colour young bird awards: M. Freeborn, light green, dark factor blue, opaline green; M. Bannister, dark factor green, albino; M. Smith, skyblue, opaline cinnamon; D. Tutty, grey green; C. Hickman, grey, double factor spangle; Johnson & Chubb, opaline blue, recessive pied; AR & TR Terheege & Roby, cinnamon green, any other colour; P. Merritt, cinnamon blue; G. Simpson, lutino; A. Shoosmith, yellow-wing, rare variety; G & J Al-Nasser, spangle blue, whitewing, crest; G. Paine, spangle green; M. Frost, dominant pied; Johnson & Chubb, recessive pied; P. Henson, yellowface; J. Folly, clearbody.

Wendy Thorogood, Greg Arena (USA), Rick Watts

London & Southern Counties B.S. Area Show - 2016
report by Ghalib Al-Nasser, Shows Organiser


The society had a very successful area championship show to celebrate its 75tAnniversary. The huge sponsorship received throughout the year and the awards allocated to the show was second to none; with special glass trophies awarded to the section winners, bespoke coloured coasters to all 50 best of colour winners and much more. There was also an enhanced sponsorship received for the show from Country Wide Seed, Birdcare Company, Cage & Aviary Birds, Aviary Hygiene, Roy Aplin and so many individual members and societies who helped make the year so very special. The Major Sponsor was Mick Freeborn, who was one of the judges and also celebrated his 75th birthday a month earlier. It was also Mick’s last judging engagement as he announced his retirement from the judging circuit. Mick’s sponsorship of £500 allowed the society to give free entry per cage to all exhibitors, free admittance to the show as well as a free catalogue. There was a special 75th Anniversary decorated cake which was cut by the society senior officials and Mick Freeborn and all exhibitors had a slice of it. As part of the anniversary celebration each member received a specially designed membership certificate written in Janice’s italic handwriting as well as a coaster with the society’s logo on it sent out with the show schedule. All exhibitors who were not members also received this special anniversary coaster as well as the judges who also each received a memento ceramic beaker.

All this sponsorship helped the show to receive an increase in total entry to 757 in comparison to last year’s entry of 590; an increase of 28%. The number of exhibitors also increased by 9 to 59 resulting in a total benched entry of 526 with exhibitors coming from 5 area societies. Jac Cuyten, top fancier from Holland, together with 2 other fanciers who came with him were very impressed with the show and the quality of the birds that he judged.

The judges Geoff Capes, Jac Cuyten, Grant Findlay, Mick Freakley and Mick Freeborn had some top class birds put before them to judge and the same two exhibitors who shared the major awards at the

2015 show came on top again at this show. For the second year running Steve & Bill Squires captured the supreme award with their adult spangle light green cock while Connor Hickman had his baby skyblue cock that won the best young bird award at the B.S. club show two weeks earlier repeating its success again at this show. The partnership of Terry Ellis & Barry Mathews won the award for best any age opposite sex and best overall opposite sex with a cinnamon skyblue hen while Mike Smith benched a light green hen to win the young bird opposite sex award.

Dave Tutty headed the champion any age section with his grey green cock followed Ellis & Mathews’ cinnamon skyblue hen in second place. Steve Bailey benched a cobalt hen in third place. Connor Hickman’s skyblue cock  headed the champion young bird section followed by Mike Smith’s light green hen in second place. Gavin Carter was third with a spangle skyblue cock.

Steve & Bill Squires had a good team to win both intermediate sections. They won the any age section with their best in show spangle light green cock and they also headed the young bird section with a light green cock. They also occupied third best in the any age section with a spangle goldenface grey cock and second best in the young bird section with a light green hen. Stopping the complete domination of the section were Sandra & James Gillan who won second best any age with a cobalt cock and third best young bird with a cobalt hen.

Anthony Andrews from Wales won both novice sections. His white blue cock won the any age section while his yellowface skyblue cock headed the young bird section followed by a light green cock in second place.  James Folly was second and third best any age with a yellowface cinnamon skyblue cock and lacewing yellow hen. Mark Bannister benched an opaline grey green cock to win third best young bird.

Dave Stephenson headed the beginner any age section with a grey green cock and was second best with a grey cock. Graham Paine was third with a skyblue cock. Andrew Perks headed the young bird section with a spangle cinnamon grey cock. Wendy Thorogood was second with a cinnamon grey green cock followed by Gary Simpson’s lutino hen in third place.

It was refreshing to see three juniors competing for honours and Zoe Johnson headed both sections. She won the any age section with a cobalt cock and the young bird section with a cinnamon grey cock. Her grey green cock was third best any age and her yellow-wing light green hen third best young bird. Molly Hewitt-Spires was second in both sections with an adult cinnamon skyblue cock and second best young bird with a skyblue cock.

There were 5 Pairs entered and Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser won with skyblues followed by Graham Paine’s dominant pied light greens and his light greens were third.

There were 3 teams entered and 2 were benched with Gavin Carter winning the best team with two pairs of light greens followed by Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser’s 3 pairs of albinos in second place.

There were 6 colour budgerigars entered in the two classes provided and the partnership of Cyril, David & Jini Sharpe won the normal class and best overall with a light green cock while Ghalib & Janice Al-Nasser won the any other colour class with a dominant pied opaline light green cock.

Best of colour any age awards: M. Rebaudo, light green, opaline green; J. Lawrie, dark factor green, skyblue; S & J Gillan, dark factor blue; D. Stephenson, grey green; C. Hickman, grey, opaline cinnamon; P. Henson, opaline blue; R. Marston, cinnamon green; Ellis & Mathews, cinnamon blue, double factor spangle; G & J Al-Nasser, lutino, albino, yellowface; Z. Johnson, yellow-wing; D & L Rafis, whitewing; C, D & J Sharpe, crest, rare variety; S & B Squires, spangle green, spangle blue; P. Merritt, dominant pied; N. Johnson, recessive pied; D. Tutty, clearbody; A. Andrews, any other colour.

Best of colour young bird awards: M. Smith, light green; G. Carter, dark factor green, opaline green, spangle green, spangle blue, dominant pied; C. Hickman, skyblue, grey, yellowface; S & J Gillan, dark factor blue; D. Tutty, grey green, clearbody; P. Merritt, opaline blue; M. Rebaudo, cinnamon green; T. Jeffrey, cinnamon blue; B & K Scott, opaline cinnamon, recessive pied; R. Carr, lutino; N. Wheatley, albino; D & L Rafis, yellow-wing; G & J Al-Nasser, whitewing, crest; J. Lawrie, double factor spangle; C, D & J Sharpe, rare variety; M. Banister, any other colour.


BEST IN SHOW 305-3 S & B Squires Best Opposite Sex In Show 222-1 M Rebaudo
Best Any Age 11-1 C Hickman Best Opposite Sex Any Age 222-1 M Rebaudo
Best Young Bird 305-3 S & B Squires Best Opposite Sex Young Bird 334-1 S & B Squires



Normal Light Green 201-3 M Rebaudo Normal Light Green 302-3 S & B Squires
Normal Dark or Olive Green 3-2 S Gage Normal Dark or Olive Green 303-2 S & B Squires
Normal Skyblue 5-5 M Smith Normal Skyblue 305-3 S & B Squires
Normal Cobalt, Mauve or Violet 407-1 N Masham Normal Cobalt, Mauve or Violet 507-1 S & J Gillan
Normal Grey Green 9-8 G Murrells Normal Grey Green 109-1 G Carter
Normal Grey 11-1 C Hickman Normal Grey 311-1 P Merritt
Opaline Green (Inc. Opaline Grey Green) 13-1 B Wiseman Opaline Green (Inc. Opaline Grey Green) 513-2 P Harden
Opaline Blue (Inc. Opaline Grey) 215-1 P Henson Opaline Blue (Inc. Opaline Grey) 315-1 S & B Squires
Normal Cinnamon Green 17-2 C Hickman Normal Cinnamon Green 117-1 G Carter
Normal Cinnamon Blue 220-3 M Rebaudo Normal Cinnamon Blue 320-3 P Merritt
Opaline Cinnamon 222-1

M Rebaudo

Opaline Cinnamon 121-1 P & T Dye
Lutino 23-4 R Carr Lutino 124-1 R Carr
Albino 26-1 G & J Al-Nasser Albino 125-2 R Carr
Yellow-wing 27-1 D & L Rafis Yellow-wing 127-1 D & L Rafis


30-1 G & J Al-Nasser


129-1 D & L Rafis
Crest or Tuft 31-2 G & J Al-Nasser Crest or Tuft 132-2 G & J Al-Nasser
Single Factor Spangle Green 233-3 S & B Squires Single Factor Spangle Green 334-1 S & B Squires
Single Factor Spangle Blue 435-1 J Folly Single Factor Spangle Blue 535-1 N Wheatley
Double Factor Spangle 238-1 T J Jeffrey Double Factor Spangle 137-1 Ellis & Mathews

Dominant Pied, Clearflight or Dutch Pied

239-3 P Merritt

Dominant Pied, Clearflight or Dutch Pied

140-1 C Hickman
Recessive Pied or Dark Eyed Clear 41-1 B & K Scott Recessive Pied or Dark Eyed Clear 141-3 B & K Scott
Yellowface or Goldenface 443-1 J Folly Yellowface or Goldenface 143-3 G Murrells
Rare Variety 45-1 G & J Al-Nasser Rare Variety 145-2 G & J Al-Nasser
Clearbody 48-1 R Aplin Clearbody 547-1 D Richard-Watson
Any Other Colour 49-1 P & T Dye Any Other Colour 149-1 P & T Dye


Novice Any Age 407-5 N Masham Novice Young Bird 513-2 P Harden
Beginner Any Age 609-3 T Wilkinson Beginner Young Bird 703-2 A Scott
Junior Any Age 819-1 A Bird Junior Young Bird 939-1 A Bird
Best Champion AA 11-1 C Hickman Best Champion YB 135-1 G Carter
2nd Champion A/A 5-5 M Smith 2nd Champion Y/B 137-1 Ellis & Mathews
3rd Champion A/A 17-2 C Hickman 3rd Champion Y/B 143-3 G Murrells
4th Champion A/A 7-2 F Wright 4th Champion Y/B 138-2 Ellis & Mathews
5th Champion A/A 9-8 G Murrells 5th Champion Y/B 105-5 M Smith
6th Champion A/A 3-2 S Gage 6th Champion Y/B 109-1 G Carter
7th Champion A/A 33-2 Ellis & Mathews 7th Champion Y/B 101-2 G Carter
Best Intermediate AA 233-3 S & B Squires Best Intermediate YB 305-3 S & B Squires
2nd Intermediate A/A 201-3 M Rebaudo 2nd Intermediate Y/B 311-1 P Merritt
3rd Intermediate A/A 222-1 M Rebaudo 3rd Intermediate Y/B 334-1 S & B Squires
4th Intermediate A/A 239-3 P Merritt 4th Intermediate Y/B 320-3 P Merritt
5th Intermediate A/A 218-3 M Rebaudo 5th Intermediate Y/B 303-2 S & B Squires
6th Intermediate A/A 208-1 T & J Jeffrey 6th Intermediate Y/B 319-3 F & S Milligan
7th Intermediate A/A 211-3 F & S Milligan 7th Intermediate Y/B 333-2 P Merritt
Best Novice AA 407-5 N Masham Best Novice YB 513-2 P Harden
2nd Novice A/A 411-3 S & J Gillan 2nd Novice Y/B 543-1 S & J Gillan
3rd Novice A/A 435-1 J Folly 3rd Novice Y/B 507-1 S & J Gillan
4th Novice A/A 443-1 J Folly 4th Novice Y/B 511-1 S & J Gillan
5th Novice A/A 417-2 N Wheatley 5th Novice Y/B 535-1 N Wheatley
6th Novice A/A 437-1 S & J Gillan 6th Novice Y/B 540-1 S & J Gillan
7th Novice A/A 406-1 P & S Stevens 7th Novice Y/B 517-1 P & S Stevens
Best Beginner AA 609-3 T Wilkinson Best Beginner YB 703-2 A Scott
2nd Beginner A/A 617-2 T Wilkinson 2nd Beginner Y/B 734-2 A Scott
3rd Beginner A/A 637-2 A Scott 3rd Beginner Y/B 733-4 A Scott
4th Beginner A/A 649-1 M Barber 4th Beginner Y/B 713-1 Thompson & Boscoe
5th Beginner A/A 633-1 D Stephenson 5th Beginner Y/B 707-1 M Barber
6th Beginner A/A 643-3 T Wilkinson 6th Beginner Y/B 736-2 T Wilkinson
7th Beginner A/A 601-2 A Scott 7th Beginner Y/B 701-1 D & A Cooper
Best Junior AA 819-1 A Bird Best Junior YB 939-1 A Bird
2nd Junior A/A 803-1 A Bird 2nd Junior Y/B    
3rd Junior A/A 823-1 J Boscoe 3rd Junior Y/B    
4th Junior A/A 801-1 A Bird 4th Junior Y/B    
5th Junior A/A 837-1 A Bird 5th Junior Y/B    
6th Junior A/A 813-1 J Boscoe 6th Junior Y/B    
7th Junior A/A 804-1 A Bird 7th Junior Y/B    
Best Pair 951-1 R Marston Best Team 952-3 G Carter
Birds Entered: 590 Benched 414 Exhibitors 50

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